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Fly Fishing Gear – Electronic Accessories

GPS Receivers/Chart Plotters:If you spot a big fish or discover a good fishing area in a remote location that you areunfamiliar with, then you may want to store that location by marking it as a waypoint in thememory of a portable GPS receiver. They are small, lightweight, affordable, and accurateto within a few feet. You can always return to that same exact location from any… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Electronic Accessories

Fly Fishing Gear – Polarized Sunglasses

Polarized sunglasses are just about a must for any fishing situation. They simply allowyou to see you line, leader and fly better in various lighting conditions than you can withthe necked eye.  They are also very helpful when it comes to being able to spot fish andstructure below the surface of the water. If you use regular prescription glasses then you should consider prescription, polarizedsunglasses.… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Polarized Sunglasses

Fly Fishing Gear – Strike Indicators

Strike indicators provide a quick, easy solution to catching fish on nymphs. They  make it easier to detect strikes with submerged flies. They are in essence nodifferent than a float that bobbles or dives under the water when a fish takes thenymph. Strike Indicators lets you present nymphs in a dead drift manner. Often we head to our favorite stream anticipating a hatch and arrive… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Strike Indicators

Fly Fishing Gear – Fly, Fly Line and Leader Accessories

Fly Floatants:Generally speaking, most dry flies will tend to float high on the surface of the water foronly a given amount of time, depending upon the materials the fly is made from. At somepoint it may begin to sink partially and sometimes, completely. Various types of  “floatants”, some dry and some in liquid composition help prevent this. Fly Line Dressings and Cleaners:The dirtier you floating… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Fly, Fly Line and Leader Accessories

Fly Fishing Gear – Miscellaneous Accessories

There are numerous fly-fishing accessories, some necessary and others not, dependingupon the type of fly-fishing you are doing. Here are some pointers that may be helpful. Fly Patch:  A totally optional feature is the fly patch for your hat, shirt, jacket or vest. Some love themand others despise them. Retractor:An accessory we do recommend is the retractor. They make it quick and convenient toaccess many… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Miscellaneous Accessories

Fly Fishing Gear –

When you are wading out in the middle of a stream or you are in a tube float, a fly fishingvest is a must. Vest have been used as far back as fly fishing has been documented. It’sa highly recognized part of a traditional fly fishers outfit. Fly-fishing wading and tubing vest usually have several pockets permitting you to carrythe many small items sometimes needed… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear –

Fly Fishing Gear – Wading Boots

Fly Fishing Wading Boots I’ve noticed that youngsters seem to enjoy wading as much as fly fishing. Getting into afast flowing stream with water flowing around your feet and legs is a wonderful experiencefor most guys and quite different from most anything else you experience fishing…..thatis, until you slip and fall in. There not anything wonderful about that. It’s a fact anglersdrown wading and one… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Wading Boots

Fly Fishing Gear – Waders

Fly fishing waders should serve several purposes. One is to keep your warm in coolwater. Another is to keep you cool in warm water. Most importantly, they should keep youdry. Breathable Waders:For one to remain comfortable, waders should breathe and disperse the moisture thatcomes from perspiration, even when underwater. Pure rubber or neoprene waders keepthe water out but are not breathable. Being waterproof isn’t enough… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Waders

Fly Fishing Gear – Fly and Gear Storage

Fly Boxes:Fly boxes range from basic, simple clear plastic boxes to deluxe models sized to carryflies as small as midges up flies as large as streamers. While you are wading, you maywant a compact box that will fit in your shirt or vest pocket. Our Perfect Fly boxes arewaterproof and can dry flies or wet flies and nymphs without your having to worry aboutthe flies… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Fly and Gear Storage

Fly Fishing Gear – Choosing A Fly Reel

The single most important consideration in choosing a fly reel is its line capacity. Thecapacity of the reel is usually indicated on the enclosed literature as well as the box thatthe reel comes in. Generally, one of three or four sizes of reels offered by a manufacturer will work for justabout any freshwater fishing situation. This makes choosing the size of the reel arelatively simple… Read More »Fly Fishing Gear – Choosing A Fly Reel