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These are standard generic and attractor saltwater flies with stainless steel hooks that have been around for a long time. They are mostly used by anglers that are searching water trying to determine what the fish may be feeding on. They are used for species that inhibit the inshore and offshore saltwater including bays, inlets, and backcountry areas. The flies are for redfish, speckled trout, bluefish, striped bass, bonito, pompano, ladyfish, false albacore, mackerel and other species that can be taken in inshore saltwater. They represent inshore food such as minnows, pinfish, mullet, herring, and other inshore fish. If you are not already familiar with the fly, t it is important that you read the fishing information sections provided beneath each fly. This will tell you what species the fly is for as well as how it should be presented.