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Big Slate Drake Spinner



Hook Size: 4

The Perfect Fly Big Slate Drake Spinner is a imitation of the spinner stage of life of the mayfly. Once the dun reaches the banks, trees or bushes, it molts into a spinner, or the sexually mature adult. The males and females return to the water and mate in mid air, and eventually fall dead on the surface of the water where trout can easily dine on them. It should be fished on the surface and treated with floatant. The Big Slate Drake Spinners usually fall right when it starts to get dark and on into the night. Both sexes fall spent into the water. This is the same time the mayflies hatch. You may not know whether to fish the Perfect Fly Big Slate Drake Dun or Spinner. In some cases, in the low light conditions, either one may well work. Trial and error is the only method to use to make that decision.

You should concentrate on areas where the spinners may congregate, such as the tails
of pools or the calm eddies and edges of moving water. If you can find a feeding trout,
you should try to get into a position to present a fly to it of course. If not, present the
spinner imitation where you can best see the fly.

You may want to try fishing the spinner in the early morning before the sun rises. Large
brown trout can sometimes be found feeding on the spinners at this time.

Copyright 2013 James Marsh


Weight .01 lbs