Hook Size: 10
The Perfect Fly Brown Dun Spinner is a imitation of the spinner stage of life of the mayfly. Once the dun reaches the banks, trees or bushes, it molts into a spinner, or the sexually mature adult. The males and females return to the water and mate in mid air, and eventually fall dead on the surface of the water where trout can easily dine on them. It should be fished on the surface and treated with floatant.
The Brown Dun hatches out of the water and therefore the emerger or duns are is not
important. The trout cannot feed on them. I suppose the dun could get into the blown into
the water or fall in the water but that would be the only way a trout could get one. The
spinners do come back to the water to deposit their eggs. Granted, I have never seen a
big spinner fall from the Brown Dun but when the females deposit their eggs and die
spent on the water they are eaten by trout.Presentation:
The Perfect Fly Brown Dun Spinner should be presented only when you have observed
some on the water or have found some duns on the banks. Most of the time they fall
spent during the evenings. It is best to fish the spinner early in the mornings or very late
in the day just prior to dark.
important. The trout cannot feed on them. I suppose the dun could get into the blown into
the water or fall in the water but that would be the only way a trout could get one. The
spinners do come back to the water to deposit their eggs. Granted, I have never seen a
big spinner fall from the Brown Dun but when the females deposit their eggs and die
spent on the water they are eaten by trout.Presentation:
The Perfect Fly Brown Dun Spinner should be presented only when you have observed
some on the water or have found some duns on the banks. Most of the time they fall
spent during the evenings. It is best to fish the spinner early in the mornings or very late
in the day just prior to dark.
If the type of water permits, and you have seen several duns during the day, it may be
worth fishing the spinner during the early part of the evening. Most of our success has
come early in the morning but that is probably because we fished it the most during the
early mornings. Present the spinner around the edges of the stream.
Copyright 2003 James Marsh