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Chocolate Dun & Olive Sulfer Dun


Hook Size: 18

The Perfect Fly Chocolate Dun/Olive Sulfer Dun is an excellent imitation of the adult stage of life of the mayfly. It imitates the mayfly as it drifts or floats on the surface, drying it wet wings enough to fly off the water onto the banks, bushes or trees where it will eventually change into the spinner stage of life. It even imitates the dun down to two or three tails and it two upright wings. It is fished on the surface as a dry fly. It should be treated with floatant.

The Chocolate Duns and Olive Sulfers hatch in the late mornings and  early afternoons during the summer months. You will always find them in moderate to fast flowing water that typically has a lot of vegetation. The Perfect Fly Chocolate Dun usually works great when they begin to hatch.

The best presentation is usually an up or up and across presentation along the edges of
the fast or moderately flowing water that is near weeds or grass. Fish the current seams
where the slow water meets the moderate to fast water.

Allow the dun to come all the way down the current seam near the end of it. They often
take the fly near the end of the seam. You should always watch for any bubbles on the
surface of the water. If you find any, that is where you should place your fly. If you fish the
Sulfer hatches or the Hendrickson hatches successfully, then you should know how to
fish this hatch. It is very similar except it is always fished near vegetation.

Copyright James Marsh 2007

Weight .01 lbs