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Crane Fly



Hook Size: 10

\Cranefly adults have skinny bodies, long slender legs, and long wings that lie
down on the insects back. They look like giant misquotes but are actually
harmless. Like midges, the craneflies are two winged flies.

Adult caneflies fly poorly and tend to hang around streamside vegetation. Small
streams with overhanging trees and bushes tend to have larger concentrations
of them than larger, wide streams. Females deposit their eggs on submerged
vegetation or in damp soil so they are not available for trout to eat as egg layers.

We see huge numbers of these flies on the water and it makes sense that the
trout feed on them although they seem to be far more legs and wings that body.
It seems to me that the majority of them I see are floating on very shallow water.
I would guess that shallow water areas near the banks would be where you
would want to concentrate on placing your fly.

We came up with this imitation due to a large number of request from customers who do
fish imitations of this fly. In testing it for us, they mentioned that the smaller streams are
the best ones to concentrate on when you are using this fly.

Weight .01 lbs