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Crane Fly Larva



Hook Size: 10

The larvae cannot swim and are usually eaten by trout when they are washed in
the water by rainfall. They are found in just about every stream that holds trout.

Since the terrestrial variety gets into the water by being washed in by rainwater,
it makes sense that the best times to fish cranefly larvae imitations would be
following heavy rains. Since the larvae get washed in from the banks and by
small drainage flows, it is probably best to fish near the banks and the rainwater
drainage inlets. I say “probably” because I have not tried it. I will try that in the
near future because I may be overlooking a productive fishing strategy.  Please
let us know if any of you have experience fishing imitations of the cranefly larvae

The pupae of the cranefly species are not important to anglers. Both the
terrestrial and aquatic species pupae are found on land. The aquatic species
larvae migrate to land before pupating. During the pupae stage of life they stay
under the soil, leaves and logs for a month or so.

Weight .01 lbs