Hook Size: 14/16
The Perfect Fly Cream Cahill nymph is a trout fly that imitates the mayfly in the nymphal stage of life. Cream Cahill nymphs are clinger nymphs. They stay under the crevice of rocks and crawl around on the bottom to feed or when they hatch and should be fished on or near the bottom during the hatch. There is almost no difference from species to species in the appearance or behavior of the nymphs. They are all flat clingers that are brown to dark brown with amber legs and tails. Like all clinger nymphs, these move from the fast water they live in to nearby, slower water to hatch. The big difference is the Cream Cahill nymphs hatch on a more irregular basis than the closely related March Browns or Light Cahills. They are found in isolated areas of the streams they exist in. The bottom line is that you never know when or where to anticipate a hatch. You just need to be prepared in the event you find them hatching.
Nymph Presentation:
Nymph presentation should be exactly like the previous article on Light Cahill
nymph presentation. I will repeat it here.
When you anticipate a hatch is about to begin, or if you have determined it has
already started, you may want to try imitating the nymphs migrating from their
normal fast water habitat to slower, more moderately flowing water close by. If
the hatch has begun, you would want to do this in the mornings and early
afternoon up until the time the nymphs begin to emerge. Fish your imitation
heavily weighted, right on the bottom at the edges or seams of the fast moving
riffles and runs. Your basic approach should be focused on bringing the nymph
out of the fast water into the areas where the water is moving slower. This could
be pockets along the outside edge of a run. The current seams created by
pockets or slicks behind bounders is another place you would want to
concentrate on.
I usually place split shot about six to eight inches above the nymph. You want to
keep adding weight until you can get the nymph down quickly and keep in on the
Short up-stream or up and across presentation work best for this. You can also
use the typical “high-stick” method of nymphing but I feel like short cast works
better. Strike indicators can be used but I feel like they hurt the presentation by
keeping the fly off of the bottom. Use a relatively short leader of about seven and
a half feet. If you make short cast, not over twenty feet long, and keep a relatively
tight line you can either feel the takes or see the end of your fly line stop or move
unnaturally in the drift.