Hook Size: 14
The Dark Red Quill mayfly emerger is a trout fly that imitates the nymph changing to a dun. It looks a little more like the nymph than the dun. It imitates the nymph accenting from the bottom to the surface of the water. The CDC wing should float flush with the surface skim.
The Dark Red Quill nymphs emerge just beneath the surface skim. Since these mayflies
hatch during the warmer times of the season, they usually don’t stay on the water very
long. This means most of the time the duns are not going to stay on the water very long
and this means the emerger may well be the better choice.Our Perfect Fly emerger fly patterns, the emerger and the emerger with a trailing shuck,
with wings made of CDC feathers allow the fly to float just under the skim. The plain
emerger usually works great for this mayfly. So does the trailing shuck version that
imitates the emerging dun with the nymphal shuck still attached.
hatch during the warmer times of the season, they usually don’t stay on the water very
long. This means most of the time the duns are not going to stay on the water very long
and this means the emerger may well be the better choice.Our Perfect Fly emerger fly patterns, the emerger and the emerger with a trailing shuck,
with wings made of CDC feathers allow the fly to float just under the skim. The plain
emerger usually works great for this mayfly. So does the trailing shuck version that
imitates the emerging dun with the nymphal shuck still attached.
Imitations of the emerging nymphs can be fished in the surface skim in the slower moving
water adjacent to the riffles and runs of the stream. An upstream or up and across
presentation is usually best for this. Most of the time these mayflies are emerging in the
slower water areas of pocket water.
If the water is rather smooth, the down and across, dead-drift method works best for this.
If you are fishing pocket water then we suggest an up or up and across presentation that
allows the fly to drift along the current seams. Most of the time these mayflies are found
in fast moving pocket water.
Copyright 2013 James Marsh