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Great Autumn Brown Sedge Adult


Hook Size: 10

The Perfect Fly Great Autumn Brown Caddis Adult is a trout fly that imitates the adult or fully grown stage of life of the Great Autumn Brown caddisfly. They stay on the surface of the water for a short time before departing the water. They should be fished on the surface during the hatch as well as later on when the female adults return to the water to deposit their eggs. It is a dry fly that should be treated with floatant.

The Great Autumn Brown Sedge is also called the Fall Caddis and also the October
Caddis. It is a orange, pumpkin colored fly that is easy to spot. They look like large moths
in the air flying. The adult female deposits her eggs during the night. They have been
spotted depositing them during the late afternoons and even during the early mornings.
This is most likely to occur on heavy overcast or rainy days.

Some think this caddisfly crawls down to the water edge and into the water to deposit
their eggs. Others say the dive into the water and deposit them on the bottom. Yet others
say they have spotted them depositing their eggs on the surface of the water.

We suggest you fish the adult imitation late in the day, just prior to dark and early in the
morning before sunrise. Cast our “Perfect Fly” Adult near the banks along the stream, in
moderate to slow moving water, not the fast water of the runs and riffles. This will let you
imitate those that are crawling in the water near the banks.

To imitate those that deposit their eggs on the surface, cast the fly near the tail end of
the riffles and runs, where the fast water first begins to slow down. Allow the fly to float
drag free.

We have added weight a few inches above the fly, and allowed it to sink, imitating the
diving caddisflies. So far, we have had little results from this method, but you may want to
try it.

Weight .01 lbs