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Little Dark Hendrickson Emerger with Trailing Shuck


Hook Size: 18

The Perfect Fly Little Dark Hendrickson Emerger with trailing shuck is an excellent imitation of the actual emerger as it sheds its skin near the surface of the water as it changes into a dun. Little Dark Hendrickson emerge in the afternoons. It looks more like the dun than the nymph. The fly should be fished just under the surface or in the surface skim.

The Little Dark Hendricksons duns emerge in the slower sections of the moderate to fast water streams that have these mayflies.  Again, they exist in the fertile streams of the Mid-west and East mostly where there is a lot of vegetation. They are also called Blue-winged Quill Duns.

They hatch in the surface skim or the slower moving water, so you want to fish
the current seams adjacent to these areas. Most often, there is grass or weeks
along these current seams.

Short up stream or slightly up and across stream presentations usually work
best. You want the “Perfect Fly” Little Dark Hendrickson Dun to float in the
current seam by not where it gets hung up in the grass. This can be tricky
sometimes, depending on the water you are fishing. Sometimes you may have to
get below the weed or grass beds in the very slow moving water at the very tail
end of the current seams.

In smooth water streams, you need to fish as close to or above the weed or grass
beds provided you can do so.  Situations could require a down or down and
across presentation in these types of water.

Copyright 2013 James Marsh

Weight .01 lbs