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Little Yellow Stonefly – Yellow Sally Adult


Hook Size: 14/16

The Perfect Fly Little Yellow stonefly adult is the fully grown stage of life of the stonefly. It emerges from the nymph on the banks of the stream on rocks that protrude out of the water. The females return to the water late in the day to deposit their eggs and that is when trout dine on the adults. Fish the fly in the afternoons until late in the day near the same water they emerged from. Floatant should be used on the dry fly.

Little Yellow Stoneflies (Perlodidae and Peltoperlidae
Family) – Adults
The different species of the Little Yellow Stoneflies deposit their eggs at different
times of the day depending on the species and the time of year they hatched.
Some of them only do that during the evenings. Most of the Summer Stoneflies
(Peltoperlidae family) deposit their eggs during the evenings. The isoperia
species, or Yellow Sallies, usually start depositing their eggs in the afternoons
prior to dark. This is one thing about the Yellow Sally that makes them important.

You should actually observe stoneflies depositing their eggs before you spend
time imitating the process. They are large enough that you can easily see them
dropping down to the surface, usually bouncing along on the surface, dropping
their eggs. Sometimes they will lite on the surface for a short time but for the
most part, they knock their eggs off by touching the surface. They will usually
deposit their eggs in the riffles and runs. Wherever you see them depositing their
eggs is where you should fish imitations of the adult. You should be able to find
an adult along the banks in the bushes or grass.

It would be nice if you could imitate the actual bouncing type of action but I can’t
make my imitation fly again after it hits the water. You can jerk the fly around
some but I end up spooking more trout than I fool. I think it is best to use a drag
free drift. Up and across cast work best for this.

I have caught as many trout imitating egg laying Yellow Sallies as I have caught
in a short time span imitating any insect. During the month of August, three years
ago, Angie and I caught at least a dozen or more trout in less than two hours of
the day, every day for over two weeks. We were imitating one of the species of
Little Summer Stoneflies that were hatching. It was as sure of a thing as we have

Weight .01 lbs
Hook Size

14, 16