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Skwala Stonefly Adult



Hook Size: 10

The Perfect Fly Skwala Stonefly stonefly adult is the fully grown stage of life of the stonefly. It emerges from the nymph on the banks of the stream on rocks that protrude out of the water. The females return to the water late in the day to deposit their eggs and that is when trout dine on the adults. Fish the fly in the early afternoons until late in the day near the same water they emerged from. Floatant should be used on the dry fly.

The Skawla stonefly is also called the Spring Stonefly in many areas because it
usually hatches in the spring. They are species of the Perlodidae Skawla
genus. This hatch is often overlooked by anglers because it takes place early at
the start of the season when they think the water is still too cold for good fly
fishing. They are similar to Salmonflies in appearance and behavior; however,
they are not as large as the Salmonflies. They can easily be confused with
Golden Stoneflies.

These are actually Little Yellow Stoneflies. They are rather large and quite
different from the other Little Yellows and therefore require separate imitations.
Depending on what part of their range they exist in, you will find them hatching
from as early as December and as late as April, in water that is about 50

They prefer clear, cold, fast water streams. They can become active as soon as
the water reaches 40 degrees. Most places you find them will have gravel or a
cobble bottom. They are very poor swimmers. There area of distribution isn’t a
large one. They are extremely plentiful on Rock Creek, Montana and the Yuba
River in Washington but exist in many other streams.

Weight .01 lbs