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Tapered Leaders for Bass


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Being able to present your “Perfect Fly” Bass Flies properly requires a good tapered leader, irregardless of the type of fly or popping bug you are fishing. The leader should be soft enough to have the proper amount of elasticity to absorb the shock from the sudden surge of a fish, yet be hard enough to be as resistant to abrasion as possible. You cannot land large fish on frayed leader material, or with tangles and wind knots in your leader and tippet.

You should be able to deliver your flies with precision. This often makes the difference in catching fish or not catching fish. Our Perfect Fly leaders are designed to enable the angler to deliver the fly precisely where you want it to go. They provide a strong link between the fly line and the fly. They transfer energy from the fly line to the fly in a predictable manner.

Our Perfect Fly tapered mono bass leaders have a large diameter butt section that makes casting larger flies and bugs easier, even under windy conditions. The leader makes a smooth transition from the fly line to the fly. The midsection tapers down gradually to the tippet part of the leader. All four sizes of leaders transfer energy from the fly line to the tippet smoothly.

The smaller size leaders are suitable for Red Eye Bass, Coosa Bass, Rock Bass, White Bass, Spotted Bass and other types of bass in addition to Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass.

Perfect Fly “Bass” tapered leaders are suitable for both largemouth and smallmouth bass and can be used fly fishing for bass in creeks, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. They turn over flies and bug, large and small such that you can deliver them exactly where you want them to land. This is very important when your fishing around cover such as weed lines, logs, treetops, stumps, lily pads, rock outcroppings and other heavy cover.

The butt section is stiff and heavy enough to assist in casting large flies and popping bugs even under windy conditions.

7 Foot Mono Bass Leader

Tapered Bass Leaders

Size Tip Diameter (IN) Butt Diameter (IN)
14# 0.011 0.026
12# 0.010 0.025
10# 0.009 0.025
8# 0.008 0.020