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Hook Size 6

The fly was first tied by a guide on the Delfur in the late fifties. He wanted to tie a ‘flee’
from the hair of his dog which was named Tosh. The original dressing had a black body,
but unlike most patterns it didn’t have ribbing. A Yellow hackle formed the throat and the
black wing material was taken from the hind quarters of Tosh.

The Tosh quickly gained a good reputation as a top notch salmon fly. It was credited with
catching many fish on that part of the river. It has a black body but it is ribbed with flat
gold tinsel. Our choice of winging material is yellow hair. This fly will catch spring and
summer salmon in a variety of water conditions.

The Tosh Salmon Fly is another Black and Yellow pattern that became famous for its use
on the lower Spey in Scotland. It has been proven to work well in the rivers of the states
and is especially useful in the spring during high, off colored water.

Weight .01 lbs