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Trico Spinner (Female)



Hook Size: 20

The Perfect Fly Female Trico Spinner is a imitation of the spinner stage of life of the mayfly. There is a female and male imitation because they are different colors. Once the dun reaches the banks, trees or bushes, it molts into a spinner, or the sexually mature adult. The males and females return to the water and mate in mid air, and eventually fall dead on the surface of the water where trout can easily dine on them. It should be fished on the surface and treated with floatant.


The males congregate over the riffles above the pools and wait for the females
who show up later. The males immediately fall into the water as soon as
copulation occurs. About thirty minutes or slightly longer, the females will return
to the water to deposit their eggs.

Spinner Presentation:
We have two “Perfect Fly” Trico Spinners. One is for the female Trico spinner
and the other is for the male Trico spinner. The abdomen of the male is dark
brown or rust color. The abdomen of the female spinner is a dark to medium

We suggest you start out with the male spinner since they are the first to fall to
the water. When the females show up, switch to the female spinner. Some
anglers think the trout can become selective on either one. I cannot attest to that
or deny it. I honestly am not sure.

We normally prefer a downstream or down and across presentation for the
spinner. The spinners will collect at the heads of the pools below the riffles. That
is often smooth water depending on the particular stream you are fishing. Long,
light leaders and precise presentations to rising trout is the normal thing fishing
the spinner fall. It can be very productive.

Weight .01 lbs