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Veiled Beadhead Crystal Egg


Hook Size 8/10

Winter steelhead means one word to experienced anglers. It means eggs and egg flies.
The Veiled Crystal Egg is one of the hottest flies for both the Pacific Coast salmon and
steelhead and the Great Lake tributary salmon and steelhead. The fly imitates natural
fish roe.

Steelhead are not the only gamefish that love the eggs. Cutthroat trout, rainbow trout
and Dolly Varden char like them. This egg pattern works where there are not any
anadromous fish returning to the stream. Suckers, pike minnows and whitefish spawn and
provide trout and char eggs for food.

The beadhead helps keep the fly where it needs to be, on the bottom. It should drift and
tumble along the bottom cobble, stones and rubble. It can be dead drifted on a strike
indicator or fished using the traditional wet fly swing. You want to fish the fly below or
downstream of the spawning redds of fish.