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Western Ginger Quill Spinner


Hook Size: 14

The Perfect Fly Western Ginger Quill Spinner is a imitation of the spinner stage of life of the mayfly. Once the dun reaches the banks, trees or bushes, it molts into a spinner, or the sexually mature adult. The males and females return to the water and mate in mid air, and eventually fall dead on the surface of the water where trout can easily dine on them. It should be fished on the surface and treated with floatant.
The Western Ginger Quill Spinner falls are not thought to be very important but if
spinners are falling there is one thing for sure – the trout will eat them. If you don’t have
an imitation of them you will probably wish you did. They are thought not to be important
because they don’t usually occur in heavy concentrations.
The spinners fall over the same water they hatch from, that is the calmer pockets and
slower water immediately adjacent to the fast water in pocket water streams. The spent
spinners will collect downstream of riffles and runs in the slow moving water.

Use an upstream or an up and across approach and fish the slower moving areas of
pockets water. The water downstream below riffles and runs and current eddies where
the spinners collect may produce. You may need to use a downstream or down and
across presentation for those found in smoother water.

Copyright 2013 James Marsh
Weight .01 lbs