Bowman Creek Fishing Report & Options for Selecting Flies and Gear: Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at sales@perfectflystore.com.
Type of Stream
Brown Trout (Wild and stocked with
Rainbows (Wild in Roaring Run)
Brook Trout (native and stocked with
Northeast Pennsylvania
Nearest Towns
Evans Falls
Middle of April through February
Easy to Difficult
Special Regulations
Catch and Release Delayed Harvest
Area – fly fishing only
Non-Resident License
State of Pennsylvania
National Weather Service Link
The season is the standard Pennsylvania trout season.
Springtime is the best time for fly fishing Bowman Creek due to the hatches.
Summertime is okay except for the hottest days.
Fall is the best time to catch the larger brown trout
Wintertime can be tough and the water can be frozen in places
Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or 6X Nymphing:
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X
Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X
Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six
Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators
Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc
Copyright 2013 James Marsh
Fly Fishing Bowman Creek Pennsylvania
Bowman Creek is a tributary of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. It’s born from Mountain Springs Lake in a swamp like area near Stull where the stream has plenty of native brook trout. You have to hike into this area of the stream but everywhere else, access is usually easy. Bowman Creek can take on a tannic acid color or tea color due to the area it comes from. It flows from its beginning on North Mountain for about twenty-five miles to the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. The upper section flows through public state game lands and has several small tributaries that also have brook trout.
The river has wild, streamborn brown trout as well as its natvie brook trout. Its Roaring Run tributary has some wild rainbow trout. Parts of the Bowman River is stocked by the state. It has a mile long “delayed harvest” area that runs from state highway 292 Bridge downstream close to the confluence of Marsh Creek. The stream averages 30 to 35 feet wide in this area and is heavily stocked.
State highway #309 follows the lower section of Bowman Creek. State highway #29 is close by near the Noxen area and other roads above Noxen. Access for fly fishing Bowman Creek is easy in the middle and lower sections.
Bowman Creek has many hatches of aquatic insects including black and brown early stoneflies, Blue Quills, Grannon Caddis, Spotted Sedges and Cinnamon Sedges, Hendricksons, Sulphurs, March Browns, Blue-winged Olives, Slate Drakes and Tricos. The creek has plenty of terrestrial insects like ants, beetles and grasshoppers also.