Cedar Creek Pennsylvania
Options for Selecting Flies: Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. We will also gladly ship directly to your destination so your flies and gear will be there when you arrive. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at sales@perfectflystore.com.
Type of Stream
Spring Creek
Brown Trout (Wild)
Southeastern Pennsylvania
Nearest Towns
Non-Resident License
State of Pennsylvania
National Weather Service Link
The fishing is generally good throughout the entire season.
Fishing is normally great during the later part of spring season.
Summer offers the best fly fishing of the year because of the numerous aquatic insect hatches and good dry fly fishing.
Early fall provides more good dry fly fishing.
Winter can produce decent catches using midge larva and pupa imitation.
Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or 6X Nymphing:
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X
Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X
Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six
Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators
Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.
Copyright 2013 James Marsh
Cedar Creek is a part of the Allentown Pennsylvania Park System. This little stream has over a mile and a half of water that is classified by the state of Pennsylvania as a wild trout fishery. The beautiful spring creek has a very good population of wild, stream-bred brown trout.
The stream also has an excellent population of aquatic insects. Wild trout can be caught rising to mayflies and caddisflies on the surface right in the middle of the Allentown Park System. Theres over three miles of Cedar Creek within the Allentown Park and more in the nearby Country Park. Little Cedar Creek, a tributary stream that flows out of Tresler Park, enters the main creek inside the park but it is closed to fishing.
Cedar Creek is also called Cedar Run. The entire area around the stream is beautiful maintained. You would think the creek would be crowded with anglers but that is not the usual case because of all the other trout waters, including nearby Little Lehigh Creek, thats available for anglers to fish in the area. What a great job the city of Allentown has accomplished.
Don’t let the size of this little creek fool you into thinking the choice of flies isn’t important. There are just as many or more hatches that take place in this little stream as there are in most larger spring creeks. Fly choice can be very important especially if there is a hatch underway. The brown trout can be especially selective to certain aquatic insects. The same thing applies to crustaceans which are a large part of their diet in Cedar Creek.
Cedar Creek Fly Fishing Guide:
The methods and techniques you should use fly fishing Cedar Creek are the same as with most any small, limestone spring creek. There isn’t any place we know of where you would need to wade Cedar Creek to catch trout. Some anglers may prefer to do that but anytime you wade, you are taking a chance on spooking the trout. If some fish suddenly shoot up stream from being spooked, don’t you think it may alert the other trout that something is wrong?
Don’t let its small size fool you into thinking the trout are all small because they aren’t. There are some very decent size brown trout hanging out under some of the undercut banks along the stream. If you fish the stream early in the morning or very late in the day, you may want to try bringing a nymph or streamer down along the banks as close as possible. The best way to do this is to make an upstream presentation allowing the fly to hit as close to the bank as possible without hanging it and then allowing it to drift naturally downstream as close to the bank as possible.
Although you may find some of the smaller brown trout feeding in the short riffles, most of the larger ones are hidden in the deeper water. Unless there is a hatch occurring, often the best approach is to fish a nymph or caddisfly larva imitation near the bottom of the deeper water.
Cedar Creek Hatches and Trout Flies
Our information on aquatic insects is based on our stream samples of larvae and nymphs, not guess work. We base fly suggestions on imitating the most plentiful and most available insects and other foods at the particular time you are fishing. Unlike the generic fly shop trout flies, we have specific imitations of all the insects in Cedar Creek and in all stages of life that are applicable to fishing. If you want to fish better, more realistic trout flies, have a much higher degree of success, give us a call. We not only will help you with selections, you will learn why, after trying Perfect Flies, 92% of the thousands of our customers will use nothing else. 1-800-594-4726
Midges hatch year-round on this little stream. There are a few early season, Little Black and Little Brown Stoneflies that show up in March and April.
Look for several mayfly hatches to occur on Cedar Creek. Blue-winged Olives of several different species hatch from about the last two weeks of April until mid November. Blue Quills start hatching in the middle of April and last for about a month. There is also a Hendrickson hatch that takes place around the first or second week of April. It is short lived, lasting only about a week or two at the most.
Pale Evening Duns start hatching about the middle of May and hatch on into the first of July. Sulphurs usually start about the first of June and last into July. Light Cahills hatch in June. There are a few Yellow Drakes that hatch the last week or two of June. Slate Drakes usually start hatching around the first of May and then off and on to peak again in September.
Caddisflies represent a major part of the hatches that occur on Cedar Creek. There are several species. The Little Back Caddis start in April and can last close to a month. Cinnamon and Spotted sedges represent the majority of the caddisfly hatches. They start about the first of May and last through September.
Green Sedges, Little Short-horned Sedges and some other minor species of caddis hatch during the late spring and summer months. Crane flies are also important on this stream.
Terrestrial insects, such as ants, beetles and grasshoppers come into play from about late June through September. Don’t forget the scuds and sowbugs. They are an important part of the trout’s diet year-round.
Streamers will work better early in the mornings and late in the day just before dark when the light is low. If the water gets off color due to heavy rains where surface water drains into the creek, try fishing imitations of sculpin or small minnows.
If you haven’t tried our “Perfect Fly” trout flies, then you are missing out on the best spring creek flies you can purchase. Not only are they the most realistic, they are the most effective flies you can use. Our Scud and Sowbug flies are very effective in the small spring creeks of Pennsylvania. Our stonefly nymphs are the most realistic flies there are. Our mayfly imitations of all stages of life are very effective in clear water. We hope you will give them an opportunity to work for you.
Gear, Tackle and Trout Flies for Cedar Creek Pennsylvania
Fly Line:
We think a four weight floating fly line is all that is necessary for dry fly fishing on Cedar Creek. You may want either a five or six weight fly line for larger nymphs and streamers.
We recommend you carry leaders ranging from 7 12 to 12 feet long, in sizes ranging from 0X to 6X.
Spare tippet material should be on hand for the above size leaders or 0X to 6X.
Fly Rod:
The fly rods for the 4, 5 or 6 weight line should have a medium fast to fast action. We think nine feet is the best length for either of them.
Fly Reel:
The fly reels should be light as possible for the appropriate fly line but they should have a good drag. There are some larger brown trout in this little stream and you don’t want to lose one because of a lousy drag.
We don’t think waders are necessary at all but you may want to wear them in case you want to get into the stream to save your favorite streamer fly.
Landing Net:
A landing net is a must. You wouldn’t want to catch a nice brown trout and have trouble lifting it up on a high bank.
Trout Flies:
We always recommend “Perfect Flies” not just because we sell them but because they are the most realistic and effective imitations you can purchase. We suggest you have the flies necessary to match the hatches during the time you plan on fishing Cedar Creek. Don’t forget to have some of our Scuds and Sowbug imitations. They work great in this little stream.