Fly and Gear ordering and delivery: We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options.
We have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes that make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at sales@perfectflystore.com.
Type of Stream
Brook Trout
Brown Trout (Stocked with some
Rainbow Trout (Stocked with some
Shenandoah National Park
Nearest Towns
Fair but hiking required
Non-Resident License
State of Virginia
National Weather Service Link
The season runs year-round
Trout can be caught on warm winter days.
Springtime is the best time for fly fishing the Hughes River because of the aquatic insect hatches.
Summertime is okay but the water can get low during the late summer.
Fall is a great time to fish the Hughes River.
Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:
Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
Copyright 2013 James Marsh
Fly Fishing Hughes River Virginia
The Hughes River is a 14 mile long river that begins on the eastern slopes of Stony Man Mountain in Shenandoah National Park. It is regarded as one of the best brook trout streams in the park.
The section of the Hughes River outside of the National Park is stocked with both rainbows and brown trout. There are some holdovers and also a few wild brook
trout in the waters outside the park.
Due to the hiking involved in fishing the Hughes River, it the water is warm enough, it is a good idea to wet wade. On the other hand, waders do help you get through the tough terrain. It is difficult to get to the water from the trail in many areas due to the thick undergrowth. The brook trout fishing is generally good from March to November and much of the time, waders are necessary.
You can access the headwaters of the Hughes River from Skyline Drive. The Shaver Hollow parking area near milepost # 38 will put you on the Corbin Cabin Cutoff Trail. You will have to hike about a mile and a half on it to reach the Nicholson Hollow Trail which runs
along the Hughes River all the way to the valley.
You can also access it from the lower section of the river. Route #600 from Nethers will take you to the Nicholson Hollow Trail. The trail will take you up the mountain along the stream. You need to hike about two or three miles to get to the best brook trout water.
Springtime brings about several aquatic insect hatches. Some of the most common ones are the Little Brown and Little Yellow stoneflies; Quill Gordon, Blue Quill, and Light Cahill mayflies; and Green Sedges, Cinnamon Caddis and Great Autumn Brown Caddisflies.
During the summer months imitations of terrestrial insects produce well, especially ant and beetle patterns.
Fly Fishing Gear, Tackle and Trout Flies for Hughes River Virginia
Fly Line:
You would probably want a 3 or 4 weight fly line for your dry fly fishing on the Hughes River You could get by using a 5 weight, floating fly line for everything. Many anglers that fish heavy nymphs and streamers would want a 6 weight fly line but it would not be absolutely necessary.
Fly Rod:
I would suggest a rod for the 3 or 4 weight line and another for the 5 weight line if you
choose to use it. The three or four weight rod should be between eight and nine feet in
length, a medium to medium fast action would work best in our opinion.
If you choose to fish heavier nymphs and streamers on a five or six weight line then you
would probably want a fly rod that is a little on the stiff side. It should be nine feet in a
medium to a medium fast action.
Fly Reel:
The reel for the three or the four weight rod should be light and with a smooth drag. A disc drag that adjust in fine increments would be best for the five or six weight line.
We recommend at least a 7 and half foot leader anywhere you fish the Hughes River. There are situation where you would want to go up to 9 feet. I would suggest having them in sizes ranging from 2X for streamers, up to 7X for small dry flies and midges, in both the 7 and half and 9 foot lengths.
You should have extra tippet in sizes ranging from 2X to 7X.
Waders are necessary for the Hughes River. We prefer the breathable types. You can wet
wade during the summer months.
Wading Boots:
Much of the bottom is rock, sand and gravel. Felt soles are the best.
Trout Flies:
We recommend our “Perfect Flies”. We think they are the best trout flies you can purchase. If you haven’t already tried them, we certainly hope you will. You want be disappointed. We have specific imitations of every insect that hatches on the Hughes River as well as a full line of terrestrial patterns. You may also notice that we sell standard, generic and attractor flies at a very low price.