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Fly Fishing Report On The Upper Manistee River, Michigan

A Brown Trout caught on the Upper Manistee River in Michigan.
Manistee River Michigan Brown Trout

Upper Manistee River Michigan Fly Fishing Report Updated 03/21/25 (Bottom Of Page)

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery: We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options.

We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at

Type of Stream
Freestone and Tailwater

Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout
Brook Trout

Medium to Large

Northwest Michigan

Nearest Towns

Varies with species

Special Regulations
Yes, be sure you check them prior to


Non-Resident License
State of Michigan

National Weather Service Link

USGS Real Time Stream Flows:
Near Sherman
Near Mesick
Near Wellston

The season varies with the species and location.
Springtime is the best time fly fishing the Manistee River for trout because of the numerous hatches. Steelhead can be caught as late as the end of April depending on the weather.
Summertime continues to be a good time for trout. Fall:
Salmon first enter the river and the
steelhead follow. Steelhead begin entering the Manistee River as early as the middle of September. The fishing is good throughout the Fall. Trout fishing remains good during the Fall.
All but the coldest days of Winter can be good for steelhead. The extremely cold water of January and February can make the fish sluggish but otherwise, fishing remains good throughout the Winter. 

Recommended Tackle & Gear
For Steelhead and Salmon
Fly Line:
7, 8 , 9 or 10 weight for appropriate typerod, sinking, sinking tip and floating

10#, 12# in 9 to 15 feet lengths

10# and 12#

Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly 7, 8, 9 and 10 ft. single hand rods
Fly Reels:
For 7 to 10 weight lines
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
KISS Strike Indicators, Lanyards, etc.

Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.

Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or  6X Nymphing:  
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X

Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X

Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six

Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators

Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.

Perfect Fly Power Pack Spey Rod Series: Click Here for full description


Great Lakes Steelhead Flies:

Pacific Steelhead Flies:

Salmon Flies:

Steelhead & Salmon Fly Selections

Copyright 2016 James Marsh

Fly Fishing Report On The Manistee River In Michigan (Big Manistee)
The Upper Manistee River is a tributary of Lake Michigan. It has a good population of trout as well as steelhead and salmon runs from the lake. The upper river provides the trout fishing and the tailwater below Tippy Dam provides the salmon and steelhead runs. Fly fishing the “Big” Manistee River, as it is called by the locals, provides year-round opportunities. We update the Upper Manistee River fly fishing report weekly, so be sure to check back with us.

The Upper Manistee River begins near Mancelona and flows about a hundred miles into Lake Michigan. The uppermost thirty miles of the river produces the best trout fishing opportunities. It begins as a small stream and increases in size up to a hundred feet in width. The uppermost part has mostly brook trout with browns increasing in population downstream. The lower section also has a population of rainbow trout.

Access is easy. The Upper Manistee River starts out near Michigan #38 and flows downstream to Michigan #66. The stream bottom consist of gravel and sand. There’s lots of cover for the brown trout with logs and undercut banks plentiful. The flow is moderate with some sharp bends with deep pools and runs.

The Upper Manistee River has a special regulation section that located from Michigan #72 downstream to the CCC Bridge. Only artificial flies may be used. Fly fishing the Manistee River in this section is excellent for trout with trophy size fish fairly common. There’s plenty of access to the river from several roads and many bridges.

The Upper Manistee River is most noted for its salmon and steelhead fishing. It has some huge runs of fish that enter the lower section of the river below Tippy Dam. The stream has a rock and sand bottom very suitable for spawning steelhead and salmon. It’s a beautiful stream with long deep pools, and deep runs and riffles. It can be fished from the banks, waded or fished from a drift boat. Fishing from a boat gives one the opportunity to cover more water and is preferred by most serious anglers. Some areas are not suitable for wading and some are.

Steelhead and salmon also run up into Bear Creek, a tributary to the Manistee. The creek provides excellent water for steelhead and salmon and is a preferred choice by many anglers. The lower section of the river can be accessed easily from River Road and East River Road. Many roads lead off Michigan #55.

The Upper Manistee River is a very versatile river with lots of fly fishing opportunities year-round. Although it’s best known for its salmon and steelhead runs, don’t overlook the trout fishing above the dam.

Upper Manistee River Fly Fishing Guide:
The thirty miles of the upper portion of the Manistee provides the trout fishing from Michigan #38 downstream to Michigan #66.The locals call it the Big Manistee River which separates it from the Little Manistee River.

The upper section of the Manistee River’s bottom consists mostly of gravel and sand. There’s lots of cover for the brown trout in the form of fallen logs and tree tops. Undercut banks also provide the browns good cover. There are many deep runs and deep pools.

The lower section of the stream consist mostly of rock and sand but much of it is suitable for spawning steelhead and salmon. The pools are long and deep connected by deep runs and riffles. The lower section can be fished from the banks, waded or fished from a
drift boat. Most steelhead and salmon anglers prefer to fish from a drift boat. You can cover more water and often, this is the key to finding the steelhead and salmon.

Access to the upper section of Manistee River can be found near M-38 (Mancelona Road) Below Mancelona Road you will find access from several bridges including the bridge at M-72, the CCC Bridge and the Sharon Bridge as well as the Three Mile Access and the Smithville Access.

Access to the mid section of the Manistee River can be from Coates Highway or the Hodenpyl Road at Mesick, where you can

Access to the lower river can be found from numerous side roads off of M-55 as well as the River Road off of M-31 runs parallel to the north side of the river. Access is also available by roads leading to the Tippy Dam. Below the dam, North High Bridge Road crosses the river providing access.

Bear Creek is a feeder to the Manistee that is found on the north side of the river and can be accessed along River Road near the junction of the Manistee or to the north along Coates Highway.

Follow the stairway to the river below the dam, to fly fish for the spectacular salmon and steelhead runs every spring and fall.

Upper Manistee River Hatches and Flies:
Our information on aquatic insects is based on our stream samples of larvae and nymphs, not guess work. We base fly suggestions on imitating the most plentiful and most available insects and other foods at the particular time you are fishing. Unlike the generic fly shop trout flies, we have specific imitations of all the insects in the Manistee River and in all stages of life that are applicable to fishing. If you want to fish better, more realistic trout flies, have a much higher degree of success, give us a call.  We not only will help you with selections, you will learn why, after trying Perfect Flies, 92% of the thousands of our customers will use nothing else.

The Blue-winged Olives are probably hatch over a longer period of time than any of the aquatic insects. There are several species and some of them are bi-brooded.

The first hatch usually occurs around the first of April and last until about the last week of July.  About the end of August they usually start to hatch again. This last hatch usually ends by the first of October.

The Hendrickson hatch usually starts about the middle of April. American March Browns start to hatch about the first of May. The hatch last for about a month or longer. This hatch last for about a month.

Blue Quills (called Mahogany Duns locally) will start to hatch about the first of May. The hatch usually last about six weeks.

Sulphurs starting to hatch about the middle of May. This hatch can last to the middle of June.

About the first or second week of June, the Great Olive Wing Dun, or what locals sometimes call the Hex hatch takes place. It can last until the end of July. Brown Drakes start hatching about the first of June and last for about a month.

The Slate Drake hatch last about two months, or from around the middle of June until the middle of August.

Light Cahills hatches start by the first of June. They can hatch on into the first week or two of August.  

Caddisflies are plentiful on the Big Manistee River. There are many species but the most important are species are the net-spinning Cinnamon Caddis. They start about the first of June and can last all the way until the middle of August.

Green Sedges start hatching around the first of June also. This hatch last about six weeks. Their larva, or the Green Rock Worms, are around all year. Imitations of them work  just about anytime of the year and even for the steelhead.

There are some Little Browns, and Little Black Caddis that hatch in the first of the season around the first of May. There’s also some larger fall sedges that hatch.

The upper headwaters sections of the Upper Manistee River has some long horn species that hatch during the summer and early fall.

The river also has a few stoneflies. From about the first of April until May 15th, early black or Little Winter Stoneflies hatch. Yellow Sallies (Little Yellow stoneflies) are found in some of the faster sections of the stream. They start hatching around the middle of May and last until the middle of July.

Terrestrial insects are important during the summer months. Ants are plentiful from about the end of June all the way to mid October. The flying ants are usually found from about the middle of August to the middle of September. Imitations of beetles and grasshoppers will produce trout during the months of July, August and September.

Midges are around year-round and imitations of their larvae, pupae and the adults will produce most anytime but the most important times are during cold weather when few other insects are hatching. Most of the midges are blood or red midges. There are a few species that are a cream color.

Streamers work great for the big brown trout, steelhead and salmon in the Manistee River. Imitations of sculpin, baitfish, leeches produce well The streamers are most effective on the brown trout under low light or dingy water conditions.

At “Perfect Fly,” we have specific imitations of everything that hatches on the Upper Manistee River. If you haven’t already done so, please give our flies a chance to perform for you. They are not only are the most realistic flies you can buy, they are the most effective at catching trout.

Steelhead Flies:
You may want to have a large selection of small egg flies in natural colors such as gold, orange, Oregon cheese, peach, and cream in hook sizes #8 and 10’s. Our “Perfect Fly” Giant Black Stonefly Nymphs in hook sizes 6 also work well. Our “Perfect Fly” Hex (Great Olive Winged Drake) nymphs in a hook size #6 also work great. So do our Green Caddis larvae imitations or Green Rock Worms in a hook size 12.

Upper Big Manistee River Fishing Report:

02/18/2020 There are steelhead being
caught below Tippy. Our steelhead
Nymphs are working best.
03/08/20 Decent numbers of steelhead
are still being caught beow Tippy.
03/21/2020 Plenty steelhead are being
caught below Tippy. Warmer water has
them more active.
04/17/20 Stream levels are very near
normal in all sections of the river. The
water is still cold but should get warmer
very soon and new hatches begin.
05/11/20 The stream levels are near
normal and mega hatches are taking
place including the big drakes. You
should be able to catch lots of trout.
05/29/20 Stream levels are still high
but falling and should be in good
shape very soon. Good hatches are
taking place.
06/14/20 The stream levels are just a
little above normal level and trout are
being caught in good numbers.
06/27/20 The stream levels are still a
little high but trout are being caught by
our customers. There are some very
good hatches taking place.
07/11/20 Stream levels are just a little
above normal levels. There are
multiple hatches taking place and lots
of trout being caught.
07/24/20 The river is flowing a little
above normal level and okay
otherwise. There are some very good
hatches still taking place.
08/12/20 The stream levels are a little
high but should fall back down soon.
Good hatches and good reports are
coming in when the levels are good.
08/30/20 The river is in good shape
with good numbers of trout being
caught by our customers. There are
still some good hatches taking place.
09/19/20 There are kings and coho
moving into the lower river. Trout are
being caught by our customers in good
numbers. Conditions are good.
10/09/20 Kings and Coho are being
caught by our customers in good
numbers in the lower river. Trout are
still being caught as well.
10/22/20 stream levels are just a little
above normal level. There are good
hatches and trout, Kings, coho and
steelhead are being caught.
11/07/20 We continue to get good
reports from customers on trout in the
upper river and steelhead in the lower
river. They are swinging, nymphing
and using eggs. Shoot us an email for
a recommended fly list.
11/21/20 More good reports have
come in from customers fishing for
steelhead. Conditions are very good.
12/13/20 Steelhead are being caught
by our customers in good numbers.  
Swinging, nymphs and eggs work.
Send us an email for a recommended
fly list.
12/24/20 Steelhead are still being
caught by our customers in good
01/08/21 We are still getting good
steelhead reports from customers.
Swinging and nymphing is working.
01/26/21 The water is cold but trout
are being caught by a few guys fishing
Winter stonefly nymphs and MIdges.
Some steelhead are being caught.
02/09/21 There is a lot of slush ice in
the water and we didn’t receive any
reports on trout but did get a few from
customers fishing for steelhead.
04/27/21 The river is turning out good numbers of trout for our customers. Hatches of Quill gordons, Blue Quills, Little Black Caddis, Little Brown stoneflies and Hendrickson/Blue Quills are hatching.

05/08/21 The river is currently in good shape from a stream levels standpoint. The recent cold weather slowed things down but it should warm back up quickly. There are good hatches taking place but the cold weather has created a lot of cripples. This coming week should be a good one.

05/16/21 The stream is in good shape with good stream levels. We are getting good reports from customers fishing for trout. There are some very good hatches taking place. Send us an email or call us for an up to date fly and gear list.

05/22/21 The river is still in good shape with lots of hatching insects. We are getting good reports from customers.

06/07/21 The river is flowing near normal in the lower section and a little low in the upper sections. We are still getting good “catch” reports from customers. There are good hatches taking place.

06/20/21 The river is flowing just a little below normal and clear. There are several insects hatching and we continue to get good reports from customers. Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

07/01/21 Stream levels are normal and the water clear. We are getting more good reports from customers. There are good hatches taking place and terrestrials are starting to work.

07/14/21 The stream levels are up just a little above normal and in good shape. We are still getting good reports on trout fishing from customers. There are good hatches and our terrestrials are working.

07/27/21 The river is up above normal some in all sections but still in good shape with good hatches. We continue to get good reports from customers.

08/03/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level in good shape. We are getting some good reports from customers fishing for trout. Good conditions continue to exist.

08/12/21 The still is up from recent rain which should help freshen up things. It will fall back down fast and be better than it has been.

08/20/21 The river is back down to a normal level and in good shape. We received two good reports from customers fishing yesterday.

08/28/21 The stream levels are going up due to recent rain. It will likely rise through tomorrow and then start falling out again. We were getting some very good reports from customers. There are good hatches taking place.

09/06/21 The stream is back down to near a normal level with clear water. We received two good reports from customers fishing yesterday.

09/17/21 Both kings and coho are moving into the lower river and being caught. Trout are also being caught by our customers in good numbers. Conditions are good.

09/26/21 More good reports on salmon and trout. Stream levels are fine and the cooler weather a big help.

10/06/21 We continue to get good reports from customers fishing for trout in the middle and upper sections of the river and salmon near the mouth.

10/18/21 More good reports from customers catching trout. We are also getting a few from anglers fishing for salmon. Conditions including stream levels are good.

10/28/21 More good reports from customers. Both salmon and steelhead are being caught as well as trout in the upper river. Conditions are very good.

11/04/21 We continue to get good reports from customers catching steelhead and salmon. Conditions are good.

11/12/21 Stream levels are at a normal level and the water clear. We are getting good reports from out customers catching steelhead and salmon.

11/20/21 We received some good reports from customers fishing for steelhead this past week. Our Egg sucking leeches, and steelhead hex nymphs are working good.

11/29/21 The river is still turning out good catches of steelhead for our customers. Stream levels are fine.

12/08/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level. The water is cold but we still received two good reports from customers fishing for steelhead this past week.

12/15/21 The stream levels are up high in all sections. We received three good reports from customer fishing for steelhead this past week.

12/24/21 We received two more good reports from customers catching steelhead this past week. Stream levels are down to okay levels.

01/01/22 The stream levels are normal in good shape. We received two more good reports from customers fishing for steelhead below Tippy Dam.

01/09/22 The freestone section is very cold about 33 degrees but midges are hatching. We received two good reports from customers fishing below Tippy Dam for steelhead.

01/17/22 We received another good report from a customer fishing for steelhead this past week below Tippy. Stream levels are okay.

01/25/22 The conditions seem to be okay for the steelhead below Tippy but cold for the anglers. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week.

02/02/22 Still no reports from anyone fishing. Again, you should be able to catch steelhead in the river below Tippy.

02/10/22 We received a good report from a customer fishing for steelhead. Use our steelhead nymphs and fish the deeper water.

02/18/22 We received two more good reports from customers fishing for steelhead this past week.

02/26/22 We received two more good reports from customers catching steelhead the past week. Our steelhead nymphs fished deep and slow are working good.

03/06/22 We received another good report from a customer fishing for steelhead. Try our Sucker Spawn flies and Hex steelhead nymphs.

03/14/22 The stream is in good shape level wise and clear. Steelhead are being caught. Try our Sucker Spawn fly and Hexigenia Steelhead nymph fly.

03/22/22 The stream is up a good bit above a normal level. You should still be able to catch steelhead. The water is a little warmer.

03/30/22 You should be able to catch some steelhead. Stream levels are near normal.

04/07/22 The stream level below Tippy are still above normal but it has good numbers of steelhead in the river. We are getting very good catch reports from our customers.

04/15/22 More good reports have come in on steelhead and trout fishing should be getting very good very soon. The water needs to reach 50 degrees F. and it is getting near there.

04/23/22 We are still getting good steelhead catch reports from customers and trout fishing has really picked up. Good hatches are starting to take place – Blue Quills, Quill Gordons, little Black Caddis, and little Brown stoneflies. Get ready for the Hendricksons/Red quills.

05/01/22 The stream is still turning out some steelhead and trout fishing will boom anytime now with water temperature reaching near 50 degrees.

05/09/22 The stream is still in good shape in all respects. We did receive two good report from customers catching trout. Good hatches are taking place.

05/25/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. There are a lot of insects hatching and we are getting some very good reports from customers fishing it. Shoot us an email for an up to date fly recommended list.

06/02/22 Stream levels are near normal and the water clear. There are multiple hatches taking place and we continue to get good reports from customers.

06/09/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. We are getting good catch reports from customers. The Great Olive Wing duns should start hatching any day now. There are several insects hatching now and dry fly fishing is good.

06/17/22 The stream is still flowing at a normal level with clear water. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good hatches are taking place.

06/24/22 The stream is still at a normal level and clear. We continue to get good reports from customers fishing it. Very good hatches are taking place.

07/01/22 The stream is still in good shape with good levels and clear water. The big Hexigenia flies or Great Olive Wing duns are hatching. This coming week should be a good one.

07/08/22 We received two good reports from customers fishing the river this past week. There are very good hatches taking place and our terrestrial patterns are starting to work.

07/15/22 Stream levels are in good shape in all sections of the river. Good hatches continue to come off and our terrestrial patterns are working good.

07/22/22 The stream is turning out some good catches for our customers. There are a lot of insects hatching. Stream levels remain in good shape.

07/29/22 Good conditions exist. We are getting good catch reports from customers fishing. All sections of the river are turning out trout.

08/05/22 The stream is in good shape flowing at a normal level in all sections with clear water. We continue to get good reports on trout. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/12/22 We are still getting good reports from customers fishing for trout. Good hatches continue to take place and our terrestrial imitations are working good.

08/19/22 The stream is still in good shape and turning out some good catches for our customers.

08/26/22 The river is still flowing near a normal level. Good late summer hatches are taking place. You should be able to catch plenty trout.

09/05/22 The river is still at a good level and we continue to get good catch reports from customers fishing for trout. Get ready for kings and Coho. They will start entering the lower river soon.

09/12/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level in good shape. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week.

09/19/22 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We continue to get good reports from customers catching trout. Good late season hatches are taking place.

09/26/22 The stream is flowing just a little above normal. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

10/09/22 The stream is still flowing at a normal level in good shape. We received two good reports from customers catching trout. Salmon are still spawning in the tailwater and steelhead are starting to come into the river. Get ready for the steelhead.

10/31/22 Both salmon and steelhead are being caught as well as trout in the upper river. Conditions are very good. Steelhead fishing is red hot right now.

11/30/22 Excellent conditions continue for anglers catching steelhead and salmon. Swinging, nymphs and our egg patterns are working.

12/31/22 Stream levels are above normal, but are in good shape. Spey flies and egg flies are working and we are getting good reports of fish being caught.

02/02/23 There are steelhead being caught below Tippy. Our steelhead
Nymphs are working best. Fish them slow and deep.

02/25/23 There is still a lot of slush ice in the water. We didn’t receive any reports on trout or steelhead this past week.

03/13/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level and mostly clear. Most of the slush ice is gone and the water is warming up a little. It should be good soon.

03/20/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level in good shape. We received a good report from a customer fishing for trout yesterday.

03/28/23 The stream is still at a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. BWOs and Midges are hatching good.

04/22/23 The stream level is normal and the water clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout. Good hatches are taking place.

05/01/23 Good spring hatches are taking place and we are getting some good reports from customers fishing for them

05/10/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

05/21/23 There are very good hatches taking place. Stream levels are staying near normal and the water is clear.

06/05/23 The stream is flowing just a little below normal level and the water is clear. Very good hatches are taking place and we are getting good reports from customers fishing for trout.

06/13/23 The stream is still flowing a little below normal level. We received one good report from a customer this past week.

06/24/23 The stream is still flowing a little below normal level. We received three good reports from customers fishing this past week. Very good hatches are taking place.

07/01/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We received two more good reports from customers this past week.

07/11/23 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches to come off. We received three more good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/21/23 The stream is still at normal level with good hatches taking place. We received two more good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/31/23 The stream is still in good shape with good water levels and good hatches. We received two more good reports from customers fishing it this past week.

08/04/23 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We received another good report from a customer fishing this past week.

08/20/23 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to come off. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

08/27/23 Trout fishing is still very good as we continue to get good reports. Stream levels are normal and the water clear. Get ready for salmon and steelhead next month.

09/11/23 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing at a normal level and the water is clear. Good late season hatches are still taking place.

09/04/23 We received another good report from a customer fishing for trout this past week.

09/18/23 The stream is in good shape flowing near a normal level and clear. Good late season hatches continue to come off and we continue to get good reports from customers fishing it.

09/25/23 Conditions remain very good. Get ready for salmon and steelhead coming soon.

10/02/23 The stream is still in good shape near a normal level. Trout fishing remains very good.

10/09/23 Stream levels are still in good shape. Salmon are spawning in the tailwater and steelhead should be starting to come into the river. Get ready for the steelhead.

10/20/23 The river levels remain good and steelhead are coming in. Our steelhead nymph and streamer patterns are working well.

11/02/23 Stream levels are near normal and steelhead continue to come in.

11/09/23 We are getting some good reports on steelhead.

11/16/23 More good catch reports have come in on steelhead. Our Hexigenia steelhead nymphs are working good.

11/26/23 Steelhead are still being caught in good numbers. Egg flies like our Estaz patterns are working.

12/09/23 Steelhead continue to be caught by our customers. Both nymphing and swinging methods work.

12/29/23 We are still getting good steelhead catch reports. Our Hexigenia steelhead nymphs and egg sucking leeches are working good.

01/12/24 Stream levels are normal and the water clear. We continue to get good steelhead catch reports.

01/21/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level with clear water. We received two good steelhead catch reports from customers fishing this past week.

02/01/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Very good reports have come in on both trout and steelhead. Our Hexigenia steelhead nymphs and egg sucking leech patterns are working good.

02/12/24 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers catching steelhead this past week.

02/23/24 Conditions are good. We are still getting good reports on steelhead catches from customers. The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear.

03/01/24 We continue to get good catch reports on steelhead. The stream is still in good shape with normal levels and clear water.

03/08/24 The stream is flowing above a normal level and stained. Steelhead are still being caught.

03/15/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We are still getting reports of steelhead being caught.

3/22/24 Conditions are still good. The stream is still flowing near a normal level in all sections. Steelhead are still being caught.

03/29/24 The stream is still in good shape flowing near a normal level with clear water. We are still getting some good reports from those seeking steelhead.

04/05/24 Stream levels are very near normal in all sections of the river. The water is still cold but should get warmer very soon. Trout fishing should be getting good very soon when the Spring hatches begin.

04/12/24 Blue-winged olives, Blue Quills, Quill Gordons, Little Brown stoneflies and Little Black Caddis are hatching.

04/19/24 In addition to the above listed hatches, Hendricksons/Red Quills are starting to hatch good. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

04/26/4 Trout fishing has really picked up. Good hatches are starting to take place – Blue Quills, Quill Gordons, little Black Caddis, and little Brown stoneflies and Hendricksons/Red quills.

05/03/24 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place and we are getting good reports from customers.

05/10/24 The stream is still in good shape and very good hatches continue to take place. We received two good reports from customers fishing the past two days.

05/17/24 Good conditions exist. The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/24/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

05/31/24 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Very good hatches are taking place.

06/07/24 We are getting some very good reports from customers fishing for trout. The stream levels are good and the water clear. Good hatches are coming off.

06/14/24 The stream is in good shape in all respects. Good hatches are coming off. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

06/21/24 Conditions remain very good. We are getting good catch reports from customers. Good hatches continue to come off.

06/28/24 We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good stream levels and good hatches are taking place.

07/05/24 Conditions remain good. We are still getting good reports from customers. Good hatches are taking place.

07/12/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. We are getting good catch reports from customers.

07/21/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Very good hatches are taking place. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/27/24 Good conditions exist. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to come off. We are getting good reports from customers.

08/04/24 We received another good report from a customer fishing it this past week. The stream levels are fine and good hatches continue to take place.

08/13/24 Conditions are still good. Good stream levels exist with clear water. Good hatches are taking place and we are getting good reports.

08/21/24 Conditions remain good. Good stream levels exist and good hatches are taking place.

09/07/24 The stream is flowing just a little below a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week. Salmon are coming into the river.

09/14/24 Conditions remain good for trout. Now is the time to get your gear and flies together for salmon and steelhead. We can help you do that and save money since we don’t have middle men expense.

09/21/24 Our customers are catching trout in good numbers. Blue-winged olives, Mahogany duns, Great Autumn brown sedge, Green sedge caddis and our terrestrial patterns are working good.

09/28/24 More good reports have come in from customers fishing this past week. Conditions are good. There are good hatches still taking place and our sculpin streamers are working good.

10/05/24 The stream is in good shape. The stream level is fine and good hatches are still coming off. Our Great Autumn Brown Sedge caddis imitations, pupa and adults, are working good along with several other patterns.

10/12/24 Stream levels are still in good shape. Salmon are spawning in the tailwater and steelhead should be starting to come into the river. Let us help you get ready for the steelhead.

10/20/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Salmon are in the tailwater and steelhead should be coming in any time now.

10/27/24 We are getting good catch reports on salmon and steelhead are also coming into the river.

11/03/24 We received three more good reports from customers fishing for salmon.

11/18/24 Conditions are good. We received three more catch reports from customers fishing for salmon. Steelhead are coming into the river now.

11/25/24 We received two good reports from customers fishing for steelhead. The water is a little low but okay. Our steelhead nymphs and egg sucking leeches are working good.

12/03/24 More good reports have come in from customers fishing for steelhead. The stream if flowing a little below normal but okay.

12/10/24 We received two good reports from customers fishing for steelhead this past week. The stream is flowing just a little below a normal level.

12/17/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Steelhead are still being caught in okay numbers. Check out our line of steelhead flies.

12/24/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and turning out good catches of steelhead for our customers.

01/01/25 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Steelhead are still being caught.

01/08/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. We received two good steelhead reports from customers fishing this past week.

01/15/25 Good conditions exist. The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We are still getting good catch reports from customers.

01/22/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. We are still getting good catch reports.

01/29/25 We are still getting good catch reports from customers fishing for steelhead. The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear.

02/05/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday. Good hatches continue to take place.

02/14/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place.

02/27/25 We received a good report from a customer fishing for trout this past week. Stream levels and other conditions are good.

03/06/25 The stream is turning out some good catches for our customers. Good light green midge, winter stoneflies and little BWOs are hatching.

03/14/25 We received a good report from a customer fishing it yesterday. The stream is near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place.

03/21/25 The stream is flowing well above a normal level and stained. Give it some time to drop and clear. Good hatches are still taking place.

Perfect Flies Click Here are designed and tied to to imitate and behave like the natural foods fish rely on to survive as much as possible. The more your fly looks like and moves through and on the surface of the water like the real things, the higher your odds of success.

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.

Click Here to see our Steelhead Flies: Click Here to see our Salmon Flies: