Fishing Report 03/25/25 (Bottom of Page)
Fly and Gear ordering and delivery: We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options.
We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at sales@perfectflystore.com.
Type of Stream
Rainbow Trout (Wild)
Brown Trout (Wild and stocked)
Eastern Washington
Nearest Towns
Year-round except mid March to
June 1 closed for spawn.
Non-Resident License
State of Washington
USGS Stream Data:
National Weather Service Link
Runs year round except Mid March to June 1.
Spring isn’t a good time for fly fishing the Spokane River. The river is almost always too high. .
Summer is the best time to fish the river.
Early Fall is also good. Brown trout begin to spawn.
Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or 6X Nymphing:
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X
Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X
Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six
Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators
Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.
Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:
Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
Copyright 2016 James Marsh
Fly Fishing On The Spokane River In Washington
The Spokane River begins in Idaho and runs through the city of Spokane, Washington. It’s a big river that’s a tributary of the Columbia River that’s approximately 111 miles long. It begins from Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho and passes over 6 dams along its way to the Columbia River. It also passes over Spokane Falls which is the main Spokane tourist attraction. It’s a very diverse river with several different types of water.
The trout season open the first of June but the water is normally still high. There is a link below for you to easily check the stream levels. It all depends on the snow pack and weather. The best time to fish the Spokane River is after the water levels subside which is normally near the first of July through September. Fly fishing the Spokane River can produce some nice rainbow and brown trout. The rainbows average about ten to twelve inches and the browns are less common and only slightly larger on the average.
The river consist of areas of riffles and some deeper pools, depending on the particular section of the river. Wading isn’t possible everywhere. Much of the river is too deep to wade. The best wading waters runs from the Spokane Valley to Coeur d’Alene. Riverside State Park in Spokane also provides some good wading opportunities.
The Little Spokane River is the major tributary of the Spokane River. It drains a rural area of forested foothills and a farming valley north of the city of Spokane that runs along the Idaho-Washington border. It has a good population of rainbow trout and as well as some brown trout.
The Spokane River has a good population of aquatic insects including mayflies, caddisflies and some stoneflies. Most of the mayflies are Blue-winged Olives, Pale Morning duns and Tricos but there are others. Caddisflies are mostly Spotted Sedges and Green Sedges but there are many more species.
The majority of the stoneflies are Golden Stoneflies, Little Yellow Stoneflies and Skwalas, but other species exist. Terrestrials work well during the Summer and early Fall. Make sure you have some Perfect Fly ants, beetles and grass hopper fly patterns. The river also has a good population of sculpin and baitfish.
Although many guys claim that the generic trout flies work just as good as any, it is a fact they don’t. The more your fly looks and acts like the real food the trout are eating, the higher your odds of success.
Fishing Reports:
04/25/21 The river is closed for spawning season. It will open the 1st of June.
05/17/21 The river is still closed to fishing but opens the first of June. Now is the time to get prepared for the upcoming new season. Give us a call or send us an email for recommended fly and gear list.
06/02/21 The season opened yesterday. The stream levels are okay and there are good hatches taking place. Let us hear from you.
06/16/21 The river is turning out some very good fish for our customers. Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.
07/03/21 We are still getting good reports from customers. There are good hatches taking place and terrestrials are working.
07/15/21 Stream levels are still very low but trout are still being caught. They still eat in low water. There are good hatches taking place.
07/28/21 The stream is still very low but still turning out good catches for our customers. There are good hatches.
08/27/21 Sorry for the missed reports. We are still getting good reports from customers. There are still plenty hatching insects. The lower stream levels are making little to no difference in the catching.
09/06/21 The stream levels are still low. Fish the highly oxygenated sections of runs and riffles. There are still good hatches taking place and we still get good reports.
09/18/21 The stream levels are coming up thanks to rain which will continue through tomorrow. We have been getting some good reports but the rain should really help the productivity.
09/29/21 The stream is still low but still turning out some good catches for our customers. Good hatches are taking place.
10/14/21 The stream is still turning out good numbers of trout for our customers. Sculpin streamer, especially our articulated patterns, are catching some big trout.
10/27/21 We are still getting good reports from customers catching trout.
11/03/21 More good reports from customers catching trout. Some are quite large. They are taking our articulated sculpin and leech patterns.
11/11/21 Stream levels are right at a normal level and the river in good shape. We received three good reports from customers this past week.
11/21/21 Conditions remain good and we continue to get good reports from customers.
11/29/21 More good reports have come in from customers including some good size fish. Our articulated sculpin and leech patterns are working as well as BWO nymphs and Blood or red midges.
12/07/21 We continue to receive some good reports. The water is a little colder, so keep the presentation down near the bottom and slow.
12/14/21 We didn’t receive any reports this past week but fishing still should be good. The cold weather is keeping many off the water.
12/23/21 It is snowing a lot and I guess keeping anglers from fishing the river. The fish could care less about the snow. It doesn’t bother them at all. Let us hear from you.
12/31/21 Lots of snow on the ground and more on the way. Stream levels are fine. We didn’t get any reports from anyone this past week.
01/08/22 The water is cold but not to cold to catch fish. Fish cream and red or blood midges, rigged in tandem with the pupa the top fly about 18 inches above the bottom larva fly and you should catch trout. Keep the bottom fly near the bottom.
01/16/22 We received two good reports from customers catching trout this past week.
01/24/22 We received another good report from a customer fishing this past week. Blood midges, winter stoneflies and sculpin streamers are working.
02/06/22 We received three good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good hatches continue and our articulated sculpin streamers are catching some nice ones.
02/14/22 The flows are up just a little but still okay. There are good blood and cream midge hatches, little Blue-winged olive hatches as well as some Skwala stonefly hatches. We received one good report from a customer fishing this past week.
02/22/22 We expected some good reports this past week but none came in. Good hatches for this time of the year continue.
03/02/22 We received one good report from a customer fishing this past week. Skwals stoneflies are hatching good along with blood and cream midges. The stream is closed to fishing from March 1 to June 1 for spawning.
03/18/22 Keep in touch with us and let us help you plan that next Spokane River fly fishing trip.
05/07/22 The season opens in about 3 weeks. Now is the time to get your flies and gear ready for the new season. Let us help you with that. We have our own lines of gear, equipment and flies.
06/01/22 The season opens today. Let us hear from you.
06/08/22 Stream levels are very high due to runoff. It is flowing around 18000 cfs at Spokane. We will keep you updated as to the conditions.
06/15/22 The river is still far too high to fish due to runoff. Give it some more time to drop and clear.
06/22/22 The discharges and resulting stream level is still well above normal. Give it a little more time.
07/06/22 The stream levels are still a little too high to fish well. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week. Good hatches are taking place.
07/14/22 The stream levels are down just a little above normal. There are very good hatches taking place. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.
07/21/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level with clear water. We received two good reports from customers fishing yesterday.
08/04/22 The river is still in good shape and we continue to get some good reports from customers. Good hatches of mostly caddisflies are still taking place – Spotted Sedge, Green Sedge and Little Sister caddis.
08/11/22 More good reports from customers came in this past week. Conditions remain good.
08/18/22 The stream is still low and clear. We continue to get some very good reports. Keep your nymphs near the bottom. Too many fish dropper rigs with the bottom fly way off the bottom. That isn’t good.
09/03/22 The stream is okay shape and we continue to get good reports from customers fishing it. Good late summer hatches are taking place.
09/10/22 We continue to get some good reports from local customers.
09/17/22 There are still some good hatches taking place. Cream midges, size 20 BWOs, spotted sedge caddis and our terrestrial imitations are still working. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.
10/08/22 The stream is still turning out some very good catches for our customers. Good late season hatches continue to take place. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.
11/01/22 We received more good reports from customers catching trout. Some are a very good size. They are taking our articulated sculpin and leech patterns.
11/17/22 More very good reports from customers have come in the past two week. Some very nice trout are being caught. Good late season hatches continue to take place.
01/03/23 Stream conditions are not very good with snow and rain forecast all week. Hopefully, increased stream volume will bring fish in. Good winter hatches continue.
02/09/23 There are good blood (ed) and cream midge hatches, little Blue-winged olive hatches as well as Skwala stonefly hatches taking place. We received a good report from a customer fishing this past week.
02/26/23 We are still getting good reports from customers. There are still good midge, little BWOs and Skwala stonefly hatches taking place.
03/11/23 The stream is closed from March 1st to June for spawning.
04/21/23 Let us help you get set up for the opening season.
05/29/23 The stream will be open for fishing in a couple more days. Call or write us to help you get set up for the season.
06/12/23 Conditions are good. We received three good reports from customers fishing the first few days of the season. Excellent hatches are taking place.
06/20/23 The stream is in very good condition with water levels lower than normal for this time of the season. Very good hatches are taking place.
06/29/21 Very good reports are coming in from customers fishing for trout. There are some good hatches and our articulated streamers are catching some nice ones.
07/10/23 The stream is still turning out some good catches of trout for our customers. Good hatches are still taking place.
07/17/23 More good reports have come in from our customers. Our articulated sculpin streamers are catching some nice ones. Good hatches are underway as well.
07/25/23 The river continues to turn out good catches for our customers. Good hatches are still taking place.
08/07/23 Stream levels are still okay. We received two good reports from customers fishing. Good hatches are taking place.
08/17/23 The stream is still in good shape with good hatching taking place. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.
08/24/23 We received two good reports from customers this past week. Good hatches are still coming off. It is best to match the hatch and that’s what Perfect Flies is all about.
08/31/23 The stream continues to turn out some very nice catches of trout for our customers. Good late season hatches are still taking place and our articulated sculpin streamers. are catching some nice ones.
09/07/23 Stream levels are a little low but we are still getting some good catch reports. The levels don’t affect the tailwater to any great extent.
09/14/23 Stream levels are still a little low but it is having little to no affect on the “catching”. We are still getting some very good reports from customers.
09/21/23 It is still low but okay. More good reports have come in.
09/28/21 Low water levels still exist but we are still getting very good catch reports. Good hatches continue to take place.
10/05/23 We received two good reports from customers this past week. Good October Caddis hatches are starting to take place along with lots of BWOs.
10/14/23 Two more good reports from customers catching trout came in this past week.
10/27/23 More good reports on trout being caught. Our articulated streamers are working good.
11/12/23 Trout are being caught in good numbers when the levels are okay. You should be able to catch some nice ones. Our tandem pre-rigged cream midge larva and pupa is working good here. Fish it under an indicator.
11/19/23 Midges continue to produce some good catches but don’t overlook our articulated sculpin steamers. They are good for those seeking big ones.
11/30/23 We are still getting a few good reports. MIdges are still the main food supply for the trout.
12/14/23 We received more very good reports from customers during the past two week. Some very nice trout are being caught. Good late season hatches continue to take place.
01/08/24 The stream is turning out some nice trout for our customers when the levels are okay and they have been much of the time. Good midge and winter stonefly hatches are taking place and our sculpin streamers continue to work good.
01/17/24 More good catch reports come in from the past week. Stream levels are okay and there are still some winter hatches taking place.
01/27/24 We received two more good reports from customers fishing this past few days. Good light green and red or blood midge hatches and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.
02/18/24 The stream is still turning out some nice trout for our customers. Our articulated sculpin and leech streamers are catching some good ones.
03/04/24 Conditions are still okay and we are still getting good reports from customers. Remember, the stream closes on March 15 for spawning.
04/18/24 The stream closes the 15th of March for spawning and reopens June 01. Now is the time to be getting your flies and gear together for the new season. We can help you do that.
05/23/24 The season opens in eight days. Now is the time to get your flies and gear in order.
06/10/24 We are getting some good reports from customers fishing for trout. There are some good hatches and our articulated streamers are catching some nice ones.
06/17/24 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place and we are getting good trout catch reports from customers.
06/24/24 Conditions are very good. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good hatches are taking place. Match them perfectly with Perfect Flies and watch your success increase as opposed to using junk, generic flies.
07/01/24 Conditions remain good. We received another good report from a customer fishing this past week.
07/08/24 Two more good reports have come in from customer fishing for trout the past week. Good hatches continue to come off.
07/17/24 Good hatches are taking place including Pale Morning duns, Pale Evening Duns, Spotted Sedge caddis, Little Sister Caddis, Tricos, Little Yellow stoneflies and more.
07/23/24 We are getting very good catch reports from customers. Dry fly fishing is very good but you need to match the hatch.
08/01/24 The stream is in good shape turning out good catches of trout for our customers. Very good caddisfly hatches are taking place-Spotted Sedge and Little Sisters.
08/08/24 Conditions remain good. We received two more good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.
08/19/24 Good conditions continue to exist. We are still getting good catch reports. Late season hatches are still taking place.
08/29/24 We received two more good reports from customers fishing for trout. Mahogany duns, Spotted sedge caddis, Green sedge caddis and other insects are hatching. Our terrestrial patterns are also working good.
09/03/24 Trout fishing is very good. We received two more good catch reports the past four days.
09/11/24 We received another good report from a customer fishing this past week. Good late season hatches are taking place and streamer fishing with our single hook articulated patterns is good.
09/17/24 The stream is still flowing clear and near a normal level. Hatches are still taking place. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.
09/24/24 Conditions are good. The stream is in good shape and we received another good report from a customer fishing this past week.
10/01/24 The stream is flowing a little below a normal level and the water is clear. Good hatches of Blue-winged olives, Mahogany duns, October caddis and Green sedge caddis are taking place. Our articulated streamers are working good.
10/10/24 Conditions are good. We received three good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.
10/18/24 Very good conditions exist. We received two more good reports from customers fishing for trout. Blue-winged olives, Western Ginger Quills, Spotted sedge caddis, October caddis and Cream midges are hatching.
10/25/24 We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week. Good hatches continue to take place and our sculpin and leech streamer flies are working very good.
11/01/24 The stream is turn out some good catches for our customers. The higher water levels have slowed things down some but our streamers are still catching some good fish.
11/08/24 We are still getting good catch reports from customers.
11/17/24 The stream is flowing a little above a normal level and mostly clear. Good hatches of BWOs, Mahogany Duns, Cream MIdges continue to take place and our streamers, especially the articulated one produce very good.
11/22/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. We are getting good reports from customers fishing it. Good hatches continue to take place.
11/30/24 The stream is low and clear. We received one good report from a customer fishing it this past week.
12/07/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We received one good report from a customer fishing our articulated sculpin streamers. There are still BWO and Cream MIdge hatches taking place.
12/15/24 We didn’t get any catch reports from anyone this past week but you should still be able to catch trout.
12/21/24 We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Our articulated sculpin and leech streamers are working good. Our pre-rigged in tandem midge larva and pupa flies are also working good.
01/04/25 Fish cream and red or blood midges, rigged in tandem with the pupa the top fly about 18 inches above the bottom larva fly and you should catch trout. Keep the bottom fly near the bottom.
01/11/25 The stream is high and stained. It should be okay very soon. We are getting good catch reports when the stream levels are okay.
01/18/25 The steam is still well above a normal winter level and mostly clear. Our sculpin streamers are working good.
02/03/25 We received a good report from a customer fishing this past week. Cream midges with the larva and pupa flies rigged in tandem worked well along with sculpin streamers. Skwala stoneflies should start hatching soon as well.
02/10/25 Steam levels are a little low but okay. Good hatches continue to take place. We received another food catch report from a customer fishing for trout this past week.
02/16/25 We didn’t receive any catch reports from anyone fishing this past week.
03/05/25 The stream is flowing above a normal level and stained. Good midge hatch are taking place and skwala stonefly hatches are starting to take place. The season closed the 15th of March.
03/15/25 The stream is still well above normal and stained. Good hatches continue to take place. Fish the slack water in the edges of the river.
03/25/25 The stream is closed to fishing for spawning.
Perfect Flies Click Here are designed and tied to to imitate and behave like the natural foods the trout rely on to survive as much as possible. The more your fly looks like and moves through and on the surface of the water like the real things, the higher your odds of success.
Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.