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Fly Fishing Report On The Uncompaghre River

Angie Marsh showing a nice cutthroat trout she caught in the Uncompaghre River tailwater in Colorado.
Angie Marsh with a nice Uncompaghre River Cutthroat Trout

Uncompaghre River Fishing Report 03/16/25 (Bottom of Page)

Perfect Flies Click Here are designed and tied to to imitate and behave like the natural foods the trout rely on to survive as much as possible. The more your fly looks like and moves through and on the surface of the water like the real things, the higher your odds of success.

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery: We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options.

We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at

Type of Stream

Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout
Cutthroat Trout
(Wild and Stocked)


Western Central Colorado

Nearest Towns

USGS Stream level:



Non-Resident License
State of Colorado

National Weather Service

You can catch trout from this stream year-round.

Fish can be taken from the stream during the coldest days you can stand to fish. Midges are the main food source. The river never freezes over.

Spring is probably the best time to fish the river. Flows can be high during the runoff.
Pale Morning Duns offer great dry fly action throughout the entire summer.
Fall is also a great time to fish the Uncompahgre.

Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or  6X Nymphing:  
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X

Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X

Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six

Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators

Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.

Copyright 2016 James Marsh

Fly Fishing On The Uncompaghre is one of the state’s newest tailwaters located in the Pa-Co-Chu-Puk State Park below Ridgeway Reservoir. This stream has some great trout fishing opportunities throughout the entire year. There is about a mile and a half of water within the state park. Fly fishing the Uncompahgre River is now comparable to fly fishing most other of the state’s tailwater fisheries. Check our Uncompaghre River fishing report often as we update it often.

The stream has a lot of work that has been done on it to make it a better habitat. At first it was too swift. Boulders and logs have been placed in the stream to provide additional cover for the fish. There are plenty of rainbows, browns and cutthroat trout in the catch and release waters. The lower section of the river has a lot of brown trout.

This stream flow is strictly controlled by the releases from the dam but the discharges are usually very stable. This stream can be fished even during the spring run off.

There is also some access in Billy Creek State Wildlife Area not far downstream from the Pa-C0-Chu-Puk State Park. Most of the river farther downstream towards Montrose flows through private property.

Unlike many tailwaters, the Uncompahgre River has a very good aquatic insect population. Mayflies, stoneflies, midges and caddisflies are plentiful. There are also plenty of sculpin and small baitfish for the trout to eat. It is often necessary to match the hatch or match what is about to hatch if you expect much success.

The number one feature of this relatively small Colorado tailwater trout stream is the fact it can be fished most days of the year. The season is open year-round and the fishing is usually very good throughout the winter months. There are a few days you the fly line might  want to freeze up in the guides but those are fewer than those nice,
warm winter days.

Rainbow trout, brown trout and cutthroat trout are plentiful in the Uncompahgre River. We have managed to catch all three species each and every day we have fished the river. That’s only been about a dozen times, but that says a lot about the stream in our book.

The “Unc” is short for the name of the river. It flows through Montrose on its way to the Gunnison River providing several public access fishing opportunities.  “Paco”, is short for Pa-co-chu-puk, the tailwater section below Ridgway Dam in the Ridgway State Park. If your looking for a new Colorado trout fishing adventure, give this stream a try. You will probably be surprised at the number and size of the trout it can produce.

During the winter you can fish imitations of midge larvae, pupae and adults and catch trout on most any day. Another popular method is to sight nymph fish. There are some large trout that can easily be spotted in relatively shallow water, then cast to with a nymph. This is not only very exciting but also very productive. In fact, winter is a great time to fish this river.
The best way to fish this river is to first of all, stay out of the water as much as you can. There are few places you cannot reach casting from one side of the stream. That said, I wouldn’t recommend you fish without waders because there are a few places you may want to get into the water to get a better shot at a certain fish or lie.

We recommend you fish this one in an upstream direction. The water in the state park area is best described as pocket water and fishing in an upstream direction allows you to get closer to the fish and make short, more accurate cast. There are a few situations where you may find a fish in a pool or slow moving area of water. In that case you may be better off making  a downstream or down and across presentation but for the most part, upstream works best.

The trout are easiest to catch in the faster moving water of the runs and riffles. The larger fish tend to hold up in the pools sometimes, so don’t eliminate them. You may want to work them with a nymph or larvae imitation. Check back with our Uncompaghre River fishing report often as we update it often.

Uncompahgre River Hatches and Trout Flies:
Our information on aquatic insects is based on our stream samples of larvae and nymphs, not guess work. We base fly suggestions on imitating the most plentiful and most available insects and other foods at the particular time you are fishing. Unlike the generic fly shop trout flies, we have specific imitations of all the insects in the Uncompahgre River and in all stages of life that are applicable to fishing. If you want to fish better, more realistic trout flies, have a much higher degree of success, give us a call.  We not only will help you with selections, you will learn why, after trying Perfect Flies, 92% of the thousands of our customers will use nothing else. 1-800-594-4726.

Midges hatch throughout the year but are most important when nothing else is hatching. For the most part, that is during the winter. There are days when the weather is good that trout can be caught on dry fly imitations of adult midges during the winter.

The Blue-winged Olives hatch in February and March and again in August, September and October. This hatch is fairly consistent and produces some great dry fly action.

During the months of July and August you will probably find some Little Yellow Stoneflies hatching. These are called Yellow Sallies by most anglers.

The PMDs or Pale Morning Duns can hatch from about the middle of June all the way to the middle of September. This is a great hatch to fish.

There are several species of caddisflies that hatch on the Uncompahgre River. Probably the most important of them are the Spotted Sedges. These caddisflies can hatch from June through September, depending on the particular species. Green Sedges are fairly plentiful on this stream. Imitations of their larvae, called Rock Worms, are effective flies to use. These caddisflies usually hatch in May and June.

Terrestrial insects,consisting of ants, beetles and grasshoppers, are important insects to imitate during the summer. You want to have imitations of them anytime from about the first of June until the first of October. Ants seem to work great on this river.

Streamers are effective flies to use only when there is a lot of rain to slightly dingy the water and during very late and very early times of the day. The water stays very clear throughout the year so the low light situations are usually necessary for you to get good results from the streamers. The river has a good population of Sculpin, so you may want to try imitations of them.

We hope you will give our “Perfect Fly” line of trout flies a try if you haven’t done so already. They are the most realistic and effective trout flies you can purchase. If you give them a chance, we are certain you will be glad you did.

There may be other insects that hatch in large enough quantities to add to this list. If anyone can provide any additional information, please contact us at the email address below. Thank you for viewing our Uncompaghre River fishing report.

Fishing Reports:

05/01/21 The river is still low but in good shape. March Browns, Little Black Caddis, Little Brown stoneflies, Blue-winged olives and midges are hatching.

05/09/21 The river is still a little low but in good shape otherwise. We are getting some good reports from customers. There are good hatches taking place.

05/25/21 Runoff has started in the freestone section but the tailwater is still in good shape. Stream levels and discharges are fine and we are getting some good reports. Send us an email for a recommended fly and gear list.

06/01/21 The river is in okay condition although runoff has started in the freestone section. We received one good report yesterday.

06/11/21 The stream levels are still low. Runoff hasn’t affected the stream in any way yet. We continue to get some very good reports from customers. There are some very good hatches taking place. Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.

06/23/21 The stream levels are fine and there are lots of insects hatching. We didn’t receive any reports this past week but conditions are good and we feel sure we will be getting plenty very soon.

07/06/21 The discharges and stream levels remain low most all the time. We are getting good reports from customers. Stay low, dress to match the background and make good presentations.

07/15/21 The stream levels are still quite low. You have to use caution to stay hidden from the trout. There are good hatches taking place and our terrestrial patterns are also working.

07/22/21 The discharges and levels are still low but thee was some rain in the area yesterday and we expect them to come up some soon.

07/30/21 The stream levels are up a lot and in better shape thanks to some recent rain. We received two good reports this morning from yesterday.

08/04/21 Stream levels are okay and in good condition. We continue to get good reports from custmers, thanks to some good hatches.

08/13/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level and the water clear. We are getting lots of good reports from customers.

08/20/21 The river is still at a low level but it has rained very recently and the levels should be coming up. We are still getting good reports even with the low levels.

08/21/21 Conditions remain okay. Levels are still a little low. Good hatches are taking place and we continue to get good reports from customers.

08/23/21 The flows are at 71.2 cfs at 1.14 ft. or a little low. We did receive two good reports from customers fishing the past week. All sections of the river should produce some good catches.

98/26/21 Flows are still a little low but we expect them to come up more soon. There is a good chance of rain today.

08/28/21 Discharges and the resulting stream levels remain below normal but we continue to get good reports from customers. There is no chance of rain for the next two days.

09/06/21 The stream is still flowing below normal levels but okay. We continue to get some good reports from customers. There is no rain in the forecast the next five days.

09/30/21 Discharges and stream levels are still a little low but okay. We received two good reports from customer this past week. Good hatches of Western Ginger Quills, Blood Midges and BWOs.

10/12/21 Discharges and stream levels are up to a good normal level and the river in good shape. The cooler weather is helping. We continue to get good reports from customers.

10/23/21 The stream levels are still a little below normal but okay. We received three good reports from customers fishing this past week.

11/01/21 The discharges and stream levels are near normal and the river in good shape. We continue to receive good reports from customers.

11/09/21 The stream continues to be just a little below normal and in good shape. We received three good reports from customers fishing this past week.

11/17/21 The stream is still a little below normal but just fine. We continue to get good reports from customers. Our articulated sculpin streamers are catching some nice ones.

11/25/21 The stream is near a normal level and we continue to get good reports from customers fishing it. There are good BWO and red or blood midge hatches and our articulated sculpin streamers continue to catch some big ones.

12/05/21 The stream level is just a little below normal and the water clear. Good hatches continue. We received two good reports from customers this past week.

12/13/21 The stream is still a little below normal. Fish the upper section. The nearer the dam the warmer the water.

12/21/21 The discharges and stream levels are still a little low but okay. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week. Let us hear from you.

12/29/21 We didn’t receive any reports this past week. Conditions are still okay. Let us hear from you.

01/06/22 We received one good report from a customer this past week. Discharges and stream levels are fine and there are good midge and little BWO hatches.

01/14/22 The discharges and stream levels are just a little below normal. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

01/22/22 The stream is still in good shape and we continue to get some good reports – one this past week. Winter stoneflies and midges are hatching.

01/30/22 We received two good reports this past week from customers fishing the tailwater. Decent hatches continue to take place. Fish the upper section as near the dam as you can.

02/07/22 We received two more good reports from customers fishing this past week. Conditions remain fairly good.

02/15/22 We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing this past week. Conditions are still okay.

02/23/22 Conditions are not that bad. You should be able to catch trout in decent numbers. The discharges and stream levels are okay and the water about 39 degrees near the dam discharge.

03/03/22 The stream is still okay near the dam discharge as the water is much warmer. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing this past week but you should be able to catch trout.

03/11/22 The stream is flowing a little below normal levels but okay. We received one good report from a customer fishing this past week.

03/23/22 The stream is still below a normal level in good shape. Good hatches continue to take place and we continue to get good reports from customers.

03/28/22 Stream levels are a little low but that doesn’t seem to affect the catching. We continue to get good reports from customers fishing.

04/04/22 The stream levels are still a little low but we are still getting some good reports. There are good hatches taking place.

04/12/22 Good Little Black caddis, Blue-winged olives, Cream and red midge, and Skwala stonefly hatches are taking place.

04/20/22 The stream is turning out some good catches for our customers. There are good hatches taking place including March Browns.

04/28/22 We are still getting good reports from the tailwater. Discharges and stream levels are still okay and there are good hatches taking place.

05/06/22 Stream levels are up to a normal level and the tailwater in good shape. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/14/22 The stream is still near a normal level and in good shape. Good hatches are still taking place.

05/21/22 The discharges and stream levels are still well below normal and the stream in good shape for wading. We received two good reports this past week.

05/28/22 There’s no sign of runoff yet. Conditions remain very good with good stream levels and lots of insects hatching.

06/05/22 Discharges are still low in this moderate runoff period. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing.

06/13/22 Moderate runoff continues.

06/20/22 Good stream levels and discharges exist and the water is clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday. Good hatches are taking place.

06/28/22 The stream is in okay shape with clear water. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/05/22 Good reports continue to come in from our customers fishing it. The stream levels and discharges are in good shape and there are lot of insects hatching.

07/13/22 The stream level is back down a little below normal level but okay. We received three more good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/20/22 There are some big cutthroats being caught. The stream is still a little low but okay. We received two good reports from customers this past week.

07/28/22 The stream is flowing near a normal level in good shape. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

08/03/22 The stream is flowing a little below normal level in good shape. We received one good report from a customer fishing it this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/10/22 The tailwater is still in good shape. We continue to get good catch reports from customers.

08/17/22 The stream is still below normal due to lower discharges; however, we are still getting a few good reports from customers. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/24/22 The stream is up to near normal levels and in good shape. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

09/01/22 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We received two more good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good late summer hatches are taking place.

9/08/22 The stream is in good shape flowing a little below normal level and clear. We received another good report from a customer this past week.

09/22/22 Conditions remain good. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

10/08/22 Two more good reports from customers came in this past week. Blue-winged olives, midges and October caddis are hatching good.

10/22/21 One good report came in this past week. Discharges and levels are low but okay. Good hatches continue to take place.

11/18/22 Discharges and stream levels are a little below normal level but okay. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Fish the upper section of the tailwater.

01/02/23 Stream levels are running below normal with good winter hatches taking place.

02/13/23 The stream is below a normal level and clear. Fish the uppermost section of the stream near the dam discharge. Midges, creams and light green, little BWOs and Skwala stoneflies are hatching.

02/29/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level in good shape. We received one good report this past week. Cream and Red or blood midges are hatching good.

03/10/23 Discharges and stream levels are just a little below normal and the water in good shape. We received one good report yesterday. Good hatches are taking place.

03/23/23 The stream is still in good shape. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week.

04/04/23 The discharges and stream levels are still in good shape. There are good BWO and midge hatches taking place.

04/16/23 The stream is a little high. Good hatches continue to take place. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing.

04/26/23 Stream levels are near normal and the river in good shape. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/08/23 Stream levels are high, too high to fish well.

05/20/23 Stream levels are still high due to runoff. Check back with us as we will keep you informed.

05/30/23 Discharges and stream levels are down not far above normal. Good hatches are taking place.

06/11/23 The stream is in good shape right now thanks to lower discharges. Good hatches are taking place.

06/28/23 The stream is still in okay shape. We received a good report from a customer fishing it recently. Good hatches continue to exist.

07/04/23 Good conditions still exist. We received two good reports from customers fishing it this past week.

07/12/23 The stream is down flowing at a good level and mostly clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/19/23 The stream is turning out some very good catches for our customers thanks to good hatches taking place. Good stream levels also helps.

07/30/23 Discharges and stream levels are staying in good shape. Good hatches are taking place. We are still getting some good catch reports from customers.

08/06/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday. Good hatches are taking place and our terrestrial patterns are working good.

08/17/23 Conditions are good. The stream is still near a normal level with good hatches.

08/23/23 The stream is still a little above a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/29/23 The stream is still near a normal level and clear. We are getting some good reports from customers. Good late season hatches are coming off.

09/06/23 The stream is still near a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

09/13/23 The stream is still in good shape with good hatches coming off.

09/20/23 The stream is still in good shape with good hatches. We received a good report from a customer to confirm that.

09/27/23 The stream is flowing a little below normal level but okay. Good late season hatches continue to take place.

10/03/23 The stream is in good shape with good hatches taking place.

10/11/23 The stream is flowing below normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to come off. We received two good reports from the past week.

10/27/23 Sorry for the missed report. Conditions are still good. We received another good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

11/04/23 The stream is still turning out some nice trout for our customers. Midges and BWOs are hatching good.

11/11/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

11/18/23 Conditions remain good. Good stream levels and clear water. Good hatches of Cream and Red or blood midges and BWOs.

11/28/23 The stream is in good shape with moderate discharges and stream levels. We received a good report yesterday from a customer.

12/31/23 Stream levels are just a little below normal level and the water clear. Light Green and Blood or Red midges are hatching.

01/15/24 The discharges and stream levels are just a little below normal. There are good light green and red, or blood midge hatches along with Winter stoneflies.

01/24/24 The stream is in okay shape with good light green and red or blood midge hatches taking place. Winter stoneflies are also hatching.

02/06/24 The stream is still in good shape with good hatches taking place.

02/20/24 Conditions are good. The discharges and stream are at a normal level and the water is clear. Good midge and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.

02/26/24 The conditions are still good. Discharges and the stream levels are at a normal level.

03/06/24 The stream is still in good shape turning out some good catches for our customers.

03/13/24 Discharges and stream levels are okay and we are still getting a few good reports. Few are fishing it according to a local.

03/20/24 The stream level in still near normal and the water is clear. Good Skwala stonefly and Midge hatches continue to take place.

03/27/24 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing well below normal levels and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.

04/03/24 The stream is in good shape with good early season hatches taking place.

04/13/24 Conditions are good. The discharges are low and there are some good hatches including Little Black Caddis and BWOs.

04/19/24 Conditions remain good. You should be able to catch good numbers of fish.

04/24/24 The stream is still in an okay condition. Good midge hatches continue to take place.

05/01/24 Conditions are good. Good stream levels and good hatches.

05/08/24 We received one good report from a customer fishing it this past week. Conditions remain good.

05/15/24 The stream is flowing well below a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to come off. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

05/22/24 Conditions are good. Stream levels are still well below normal.

05/29/24 The discharges and stream level is high from runoff.

06/05/24 The stream is still high from runoff.

06/12/24 The stream is down a lot with much lower discharge rates. It shouldn’t be long before it is in good shape.

06/19/24 The stream discharges are high again but should settle down very soon. Good hatches are taking place.

06/26/24 The stream is still too high to fish well but should be getting into good shape very soon. Now is the time to get your flies and gear together.

07/03/24 Discharges and stream levels are still high and the water stained. Give it some more time to drop and clear.

07/10/24 Discharges and stream levels are down to a normal level and the water is clear. We are getting good catch reports. Good hatches are taking place.

07/18/24 Good conditions exist. The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place and we are still getting some good catch reports.

07/28/24 The stream is still in good shape with good hatches taking place.

08/03/24 Conditions are good. We received a good report from a custom fishing this past week.

08/10/24 The discharges and stream level is near normal and the water is clear. Good hatches are taking place. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

08/18/24 The stream is in good shape with good late season hatches taking place. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

08/28/24 Good conditions continue to exist. Good hatches are still coming off.

09/05/24 The stream is flowing well below normal but okay. Good hatches continue to take place.

09/12/24 Conditions are good. The discharge are still low and hatches are still taking place.

09/20/24 The discharges and stream level are normal and the water clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

09/27/24 The stream is still near a normal level and the water is clear. Good hatches continue to take place.

10/03/24 The discharges and stream level are near normal most of the time. Good hatches continue to take place.

10/10/24 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We received a good report from a customer fishing this past week.

10/19/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

10/28/24 Good conditions exist.

11/02/24 The stream is flowing above a normal level and stained. It should drop to near normal level very soon. Good hatches continue to exist.

11/14/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

11/23/24 The stream is flowing a little above a normal level and lightly stained. Good hatches are taking place.

12/02/24 Good conditions exist. The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear.

12/18/24 The stream is flowing a little below a normal level and clear. Good Cream midge, BWO and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.

12/26/24 Conditions are good near the dam. Good hatches are taking place.

12/31/24 Good midge and little BWO hatches are taking place.

01/07/25 The discharges and stream level are low but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Good hatches continue to come off.

01/14/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are still taking place.

01/21/24 The stream is still near a normal level and clear. Good midge hatches are taking place.

01/30/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. You should be able to catch trout on midges and Winter stoneflies.

02/12/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing it this past week.

02/18/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. You should be able to catch trout.

02/26/25 Okay conditions exist. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.

03/08/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear with good hatches taking place.

03/16/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to come off, now including Skwala stoneflies.

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.