Rock Creek in Southern Montana Fishing Report & Options for Selecting Flies: Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
We have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes that make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at sales@perfectflystore.com.
Type of Stream
Rainbow Trout
Brown Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Brook Trout
Small to Medium
Northwestern Montana
Nearest Towns
Yaak Village Montana
Troy Montana
3rd Sat. May – Nov 30th
Access is great in upper section due
to the public land it passes through.
Access to the lower section varies.
There is a lot of private land sections
but several designated access sites
and bridge access points are
Non-Resident License
State of Montana
National Weather Service Link
Fly fishing Rock Creek is best during the Summer but it can be good any day of the season.
Springtime is a good time except during the time of the runoff.
Summertime is the most popular time to fish Rock Creek.
Early Fall can provide some good fly fishing opportunities
Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 &12 ft., 5 or 6X, Nymphing:
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X
Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X
Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six
Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators
Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.
Options For Selecting Flies:
1. Email us (sales@perfectflystore.com)
with the dates you will be fishing this stream and we will send you a list of our fly suggestions. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.
2. Call us 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide which flies you need.
3. Email us (sales@perfectflystore.com)
with a budget for flies and we will select them to match the budget and get them to you in time for your fly fishing trip.
All orders are shipped free in the
U. S. Orders over $100 are shipped via Priority Mail.
Fly Fishing Rock Creek in Southern Montana
The state of Montana has two Rock Creeks. The most popular one is located in Southwestern Montana and is a tributary of the Clarke Fork River. The Rock Creek covered here is located near Red Lodge in southern Montana. It is a 55 mile long tributary of Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone River. Fly fishing Rock Creek at either Montana location is great. We also have a page on Rock Creek, Montana for more information.
Rock Creek begins in the high elevations of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. The uppermost headwaters flow through timber lined, moderate to steep declinations for about 18 miles to Red Lodge Montana. Downstream from Red Lodge, Rock Creek flows through a prairie like terrain all the way to its confluence with the Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone River.
A quick glance at the stream will explain where its name came from. There’s plenty of rocks and boulders along Rock Creek. Pocket water as wells as plenty of riffles and fast runs are common. The lower section of the stream is braided with channels and islands.
Fly fishing Rock Creek is great even during the hot Summer. The water in Rock Creek remains very cold for most of the year due to it’s high elevation headwaters. It’s also a very clear stream that’s best fished by wading. The lower section can be waded on higher water.
We prefer fly fishing Rock Creek in the mountains above Red Lodge. It provides some great small stream cutthroat and brook trout opportunities. Access is easy and plentiful. There are roads close to the stream throughout most of its course. You will probably miss a lot of strikes from lack of concentration. The scenery is as good as it gets on a small Montana stream.
Although the upper headwaters are our personal favorite section to fish, the waters below Red Lodge are more popular. The stream is never crowded and one reason is because the stream is on a direct route to Yellowstone National Park. Most anglers drive right by it
even though It’s a great little stream to wade and fish the dry fly. The banks of the lower section are lined with bushes and cottonwood trees. Deadfalls are common along the creek, providing a good habitat for brown trout.
Rock Creek has a variety of aquatic insects but only a few in large quantities. Pale Morning Duns, Small Western Green Drakes, Pale Evening Duns, Mahogany Duns, and Tricos make up the majority of mayfly species. Spotted Sedges, Little Black Caddis, Short-horned Sedges and October Caddis make up the majority of the caddisfly species.
There are plenty of stoneflies including the giant Salmonflies, Golden Stoneflies, Little Yellow Stoneflies, winter stoneflies and others.
Terrestrial insects can become important during the summer months. Grasshoppers, ants and beetles can be imitated with success.
The river also has lots of Sculpin and baitfish. Streamers usually catch the larger trout, especially when the water is slightly stained or it is very cloudy and overcast.
Fly Fishing Gear, Tackle and Trout Flies – Rock Creek in Southern
Fly Line:
We suggest a 5 weight fly line for most of the dry fly fishing on Rock Creek. A smaller fly line size could be used in the upper elevations of the stream. You will probably want to use a 6 weight fly line for streamers and large nymphs.
Fly Rod:
You would want a fly rod to handle both of the above line sizes. The five weight fly rod should be between eight and one half to nine feet in length. A medium fast action would be best in our opinion. The 6 weight rod would be best in a nine foot length and a medium fast action. We think a slightly stiffer tip makes a better nymph rod.
Fly Reel:
Both reels, the one for the five weight rod and the six weight rod should have good disc drags. The drag should be smooth and adjust to fine increments.
We recommend at least a 7 foot leader. There are a few situations where you may want to go up to 12 feet. Shorter leaders may be preferred for streamers. We recommend you have spare leaders in sizes ranging from 2X for streamers, up to 7X for small dry flies.
Spare tippet material should range in sizes ranging from 2X to 7X.
Waders are recommended. We always prefer the breathable type unless you are fishing in
very cold water. You may prefer neoprene waders for the cold water.
Wading Boots:
Felt soles would be our choice.
Wading Staff:
A wading staff would be strictly optional.
Landing Net:
We recommend a landing net but it isn’t necessary.
We always recommend our “Perfect Fly” Trout Flies. These flies are far more realistic and far more effective that most flies used on Rock Creek. The wild browns and rainbows in the lower section of the creek can be very selective. We have specific imitations of all the trout food in the creek. If you haven’t already done so, please give them a try. We feel certain you will be happy you did.