Slate Run Creek Fishing Report: 03/23/25 The fishing reports are at the bottom of this page. Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at sales@perfectflystore.com.
Type of Stream
Brown Trout
Brook Trout (Wild)
Small to Medium
North Central Pennsylvania
Nearest Towns
Galeton, Pennsylvania
Year – round
Easy to Difficult
Special Regulations
“Heritage Trout Angling Regulations
All barbless hooks – lower 7 miles
fly- fishing only
National Weather Service Link
Fly fishing Slate Run Creek is possible
On nice, warm, winter days when the water temperature reaches into the mid forties, trout can be taken in the slower runs and pools.
The fishing in early spring depends on the stream flow and melting snow. Late spring is normally a good time to fish. May is probably the best month of all.
Summertime is probably the most
consistent time for fly fishing Slate Run Creek although late summer can bring some low water conditions that make it tough.
Fall is an excellent time to fish provided the water is not too low. The brown trout spawn in the fall and the scenery is beautiful.
Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or 6X Nymphing:
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X
Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X
Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six
Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators
Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.
Options For Selecting Flies:
1. Email us (sales@perfectflystore.com)
with the dates you will be fishing this stream and we will send you a list of our fly suggestions. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.
2. Call us 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide which flies you need
3. Email us (sales@perfectflystore.com)
with a budget for flies and we will select them to match the budget and get them to you in time for your fly fishing trip.
All orders are shipped free in the
U. S. Orders over $100 are shipped via Priority Mail.
Copyright 2016 James Marsh
The state of Pennsylvania doesn’t have many freestone streams. Most of their waters are limestone spring creeks. Slate Run is an exception. Its not only a freestone stream, it’s prime pocket water located in a rugged, mountainous setting in a very unpopulated area of the otherwise heavy populated state. The creek is a tributary of Pine Creek and located in Pine Creek Valley.
Wild brook trout and a few brown trout reside in the upper part of the stream and wild brown trout make their home in the lower section. Most anglers prefer the brown trout fishing in the lower section.
The stream is only about seven miles long. You would think that one could fish its entire course in a relatively short time but that is far from being true. It flows through a canyon like cut through the side of the mountain the locals call the gorge. It has only a few access points that are close to a road. It is situated in rugged country and you must do some hiking up and down steep declines to get to some areas of the stream.
The stream is formed by the confluence of Francis Branch and Cushman Branch, both little wild trout streams with browns and brook trout. Not far below that, Morris Run and Mannor Fork add their water to Slate Run.
Slate Run Road runs along the stream but it is situated high above it. You can pull off the road and walk down any one of a number of angler made trails to reach the gorge part of the stream.
Slate Run Fly Fishing Guide
The methods, tactics and techniques you should use fly fishing Slate Run Creek varies with the seasons. The water level varies greatly and much of your strategy depends on water levels. Both low and high water levels make for difficult fishing.
The images show above were take during late August during a very dry time. Even though the water was low, we were able to catch plenty of trout. The stream has a good population of wild brown trout and brook trout. It has many small tributary streams, most of which contain wild brook trout.
Slate Run is a tributary of Pine Creek. The lower section of the stream just above Pine Creek is the most popular area to fish. I might also mention that another popular Pennsylvania trout stream is nearby – Cedar Run as well as Pine Creek, which is also a good trout stream.
Its lower seven miles are designated as fly-fishing only water. The stream has some rather large pools, riffles and runs, and even some areas with rapids when the water level is ranging from normal to high.
Early spring usually requires larger nymphs and small streamers because the water is normally high. When the water levels get normal and the hatches begin, anglers switch to fishing in an upstream direction with dries and small nymphs. Normal pocket water fishing techniques work well during periods of normal water levels.
Near the end of June, the water is usually reaching a low level but of course, this varies considerably from year to year. When it does get low, anglers switch to longer, lighter leaders and tippets. It requires a lot more effort to stay hidden and to keep from spooking the trout.
The better brown trout fishing usually occurs early in the morning or very late in the day. The brook trout fishing can continue to be good even during the hot summer.
The autumn season is the best time to catch a larger brown trout. Anglers usually stalk the larger trout that move upstream to spawn. Nymphs and streamers become the primary flies used.
The wild trout in Slate Run can become very selective at times. It is always better to match what is most plentiful and available for the trout to eat. This includes nymphs and larvae, not just matching the hatch.
Our Perfect Flies have proven to be very successful by several of our regular customers who fish this stream.
Slate Run Hatches and Trout Flies:
Our information on aquatic insects is based on our stream samples of larvae and nymphs, not guess work. We base fly suggestions on imitating the most plentiful and most available insects and other foods at the particular time you are fishing. Unlike the generic fly shop trout flies, we have specific imitations of all the insects in Slate Run and in all stages of life that are applicable to fishing. If you want to fish better, more realistic trout flies, have a much higher degree of success, give us a call. We not only will help you with selections, you will learn why, after trying Perfect Flies, 92% of the thousands of our customers will use nothing else.
The first hatches of the year are usually the Little Black Early Stoneflies that hatch in March. There will also be some Little Brown Early Stoneflies. They hatch for about a month.
Also in March, you will find the first Blue-winged Olives starting to hatch. The many different species will hatch off and on until early Fall. There will be a peak in the hatch again in June and then again in late September and October.
April starts the hatches of Blue Quills and Quill Gordons. Both of these mayflies start to hatch about the same time the water reaches about 50 degrees. The Quill Gordon hatch last for about a month but the Blue Quills can continue to come off for up to two months.
The first three weeks of May, you will usually find the Hendricksons hatching. These include the Red Quill, of course. About the same time the American March Browns will begin to hatch. They will continue through the first week or two of June.
Sulphurs will also start hatching about the middle of May. The hatch can last until the middle of June.
Light Cahills and Pale Evening Duns both start to hatch around the first of June and continue until the second week of July.
In the slower to moderate flowing sections of water, there will be some Brown Drakes that start hatching in mid May. They hatch for about three weeks at the longest.
Green Drakes hatch from the same water as the Brown Drakes. It too starts in the middle of May and last as long as a month. These are not large hatches but they can be significant in the areas they hatch in.
You will also find the Slate Drakes starting to hatch about the first of June. This hatch can last for a long time but not in any large quantities. Tricos will hatch in July and last on into August. These are found in the slower to moderate water. Caddisflies are also very plentiful in Slate Run. The most abundant species are the Spotted Sedges and Cinnamon Sedges. These net-spinners are very plentiful. The different species start hatching around the first of May and continue until early Fall. Green Sedges are also found in the riffles and runs. There are several other species of caddisflies, but none are very plentiful. Terrestrial insects become important about the middle of June and remain a source of food for the trout through the month of September. Ants and beetles are the most plentiful but inch worms and grasshoppers can also be important.
We recommend our own “Perfect Fly” imitations not just because we sell them but because they are the most realistic imitations you can use to match the hatch that are commercially available. We have imitations of all the important insects.
Slate Run Fishing Reports:
03/24/2020 Stream levels are currently a little too high to wade. Trout are being caught when the levels are good. 04/11/20 Stream levels are near normal and the water clear. There are some good hatches taking place and trout are being caught by our customers in good numbers.
04/24/20 Stream levels are near normal and good hatches continue. 05/08/20 Stream levels are a little above normal. There are lots of hatches taking place. You should be able to catch trout this coming week. 05/25/20 Conditions are very good with good stream levels and lots of hatching insects. It is good as it gets.
06/06/20 The stream levels are okay and the water mostly clear with some very good hatches taking place.
06/19/20 The stream is a little lower than normal and good numbers of
trout are being caught by our customers.
06/30/20 The stream is still flowing below a normal level. We are still getting good reports from customers.
07/10/20 The stream is running a little low, and it is important to stay as low and hidden as possible. There are still some good hatches taking place.
07/24/20 The levels remain low but we are still getting a few good reports from customers. Fish the upper sections of the creek.
08/10/20 Stream levels are near normal and trout are being caught by our customers. Terrestrials are working good and there are still some hatches.
08/29/20 Fish the uppermost sections of the stream. Stream levels are low, so use stealth and stay as hidden from the trout as you can.
09/16/20 The creek is low and a little warm in the lower sections. Fish the upper part. There are some hatches and terrestrials are working good.
10/05/20 The stream is cooler and trout are active in all sections. We are getting more good reports. There are some good hatches.
10/20/20 We continue to get good reports from customers. They are catching some big brown trout.
11/07/20 More good reports of large brown trout being caught.
11/18/20 Stream levels are in good shape and we continue to get good reports from customers.
12/08/20 We received some good reports from customers. Conditions are good.
12/23/20 Stream levels are a little below nomal, We are getting a few good reports from customers. Midges, BWOs, winter stoneflies are hatching.
01/05/21 The stream levels are a little high but okay most places. We are getting good customer reports.
01/18/21 The stream levels are just a little above normal. There are good midge, BWOs and winter stonefly hatches.
02/06/21 Stream levels are below normal and the water very cold with slush ice in places.
02/25/21 Stream levels are a little above normal. There is some slush ice in the middle and upper sections. Fish the lower parts.
04/24/21 The stream is in very good condition with some good hatches taking place. Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, Little Brown stoneflies, Little Black Caddis and Blue-winged olives.
05/04/21 The stream is running high, a good bit above normal level due to recent rain. We were getting good reports from customers. American March Browns and Green Sedge caddis have started to hatch in addition to the above insects.
05/12/21 The stream is down to a normal level and with clear water. We received one good report from a customer today. There are hatches of Slate drakes and Eastern Pale Evening duns called sulphurs. Green and Brown drakes should start hatching soon.
05/21/21 The stream is flowing a little low but trout are being caught. Brown drakes and Eastern Green Drakes are starting to hatch.
06/04/21 Conditions are good. Stream levels are fine and the water clear. We are getting some good reports. There are nice hatches taking place and dry fly fishing is good.
06/14/21 Conditions are very good. Streams levels are near normal and we continue to get some good reports from customers. Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.
06/25/21 The stream is low and you have to use some caution to keep from spooking the trout butt we continue to get good reports from customers thanks to the good hatches.
07/08/21 The stream is a little low but okay. Fish the uppermost sections for the best results. There are good hatches and terrestrials are working good.
07/16/21 The stream is very high and stained due to recent heavy rain. It should drop and clear very fast. We have been getting good reports from the upper sections.
07/23/21 The stream is still a little above normal level but normal in July is low. In other words, the stream is in okay shape with good hatches taking place.
07/31/21 There has been a lot of rain lately and the stream levels are high. They should drop fast and be back normal soon.
08/06/21 The stream is flowing a good bit above normal levels. We didn’t receive any reports lately but it should drop down fast.
08/16/21 Stream levels are in good shape and we are getting some good reports from customers. Good hatches continue.
08/24/21 The stream is very high, too high to fish due to recent heavy rain but will fall out fast. We have been getting good reports prior to that.
09/04/21 Stream levels are again very high and the water stained. It should be back in good shape soon.
09/12/21 The stream is still a little high but it can be waded safely with caution in some places, especially the higher elevations. We didn’t receive any reports from the past week.
09/22/21 Stream levels are still higher than normal. There are places the stream can be waded safely with caution. We did receive two good reports from customers this past week.
10/02/21 The stream levels are still high, too high to wade safely in most places. It can be fished from the bank in some areas.
10/17/21 Seems it has been high for a long time and still is. Give it a couple of days or more. There are good BWO hatches as well as other insects.
11/01/21 The river is still very high and highly stained from recent rain. Now is the time to get your flies and gear ready. It will drop and clear within a week or less.
11/09/21 The stream is still a little high but can be waded safely in many places. Good hatches continue to take place.
11/17/21 Same story, second verse. The stream is high. It should fall out very fast and when it does, we always get good reports.
11/25/21 The stream is down to just a little above normal and in good shape. We should start getting good reports anytime now.
12/05/21 The stream is down to a normal level and clear. There are still some good hatches, namely midges and blue-winged olives. You should be able to catch some good trout.
12/13/21 We didn’t get any reports this past week. The water is cold. Fish the lower section of the stream and deeper water.
12/21/21 The stream level is good but the water is very cold. Midges should catch some trout. Let us hear from you.
12/29/21 We didn’t receive any reports from anyone last week, we assume due to the holiday. Stream levels are currently on the way up from recent rain.
01/06/22 The stream is in okay shape with levels just a little above normal. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week likely due to the New Year holiday.
01/14/22 The stream level is near normal but the water is very cold with some slush ice. Suggest fishing a spring creek until it warms a little.
01/22/22 The water is very cold with lots of slush ice and bank ice. We recommend fishing at another destination.
01/30/22 We still didn’t receive any reports from anyone. The water is very cold with some slush ice.
02/07/22 The stream is still a little too cold to produce well. We recommend fishing a nearby spring creek.
02/15/22 We still didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing. The water is very cold with some slush ice.
02/23/22 The stream is high and stained. Give it two or three days to drop and clear.
03/03/22 The stream is down but still a good bit above normal level. The water is slightly warmer and you should be able to catch some trout.
03/11/22 The stream is up well above normal level again. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing this past week.
03/19/22 The stream has been down most of the week but back up high due to recent rain. It was fishing well prior to the rise in levels.
03/30/22 The stream is flowing at a low level and clear. There are good midge hatches taking place.
04/07/22 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. There are a lot of new hatches starting to take place including Blue-winged olives, Blue quills, Quill gordons, Little Black caddis, and Little Brown stoneflies.
04/15/22 Hendricksons/red quills are starting to hatch. Stream levels are fine and we are getting good reports.
04/23/22 The stream is in good shape with good hatches taking place. We continue to get good reports from customers.
05/01/22 The stream levels are okay and the water clear. We are getting good reports. Good hatches are taking place.
05/09/22 Stream levels are very high now right now but falling back down. Give it a couple of days to drop and clear. Good hatches are taking place.
05/17/22 Stream levels are now down to near normal level and mostly clear. Multiple hatches are taking place. Shoot us an email for a list.
05/25/22 Stream levels are down to a normal level and the water clear. We received two good reports recently. Good hatches are taking place.
06/02/22 The stream is down below a normal level in good shape. Excellent hatches are still taking place.
06/09/22 The stream is a little above normal but falling fast and should be in good shape by noon tomorrow. We have been getting good catch reports from customers thanks to good hatches taking place.
06/16/22 The stream is in good shape level wise and clear. We received two good reports lately. Good hatches are taking place.
06/23/22 The stream is flowing a little above normal level and mostly clear. Multiple hatches are taking place.
06/30/22 Stream levels are down to a normal level and the water is in good shape. We received two good reports from customers this past week.
07/07/22 Stream levels are a little below normal level in good shape. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.
07/15/22 Stream levels are low but okay. We received two more good reports from customers fishing this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.
07/21/22 Stream levels are a little low but okay. We received one good report from a customer fishing yesterday.
07/28/22 The stream is still a little low and clear. We received another good report from a customer fishing recently. Good hatches continue to take place and our terrestrial patterns are working.
08/05/22 The stream is still a little low but okay. We received two good reports from customers fishing it this past week.
08/11/22 The stream is still low. You have to use caution to stay hidden from the trout. Good hatches still take place.
08/18/22 The stream level is up some but still low. It isn’t too low to catch good numbers of trout is you will use caution to stay hidden.
08/25/22 Conditions remain about the same as last week.
09/16/22 Sorry for the missed reports. The stream is a little above normal level but okay. We received two good reports from customers fishing it this past week.
09/23/22 The stream is in okay shape with good Fall hatches taking place. We received one good report from a customer fishing it last week.
10/09/22 Stream levels are still okay and the water clear. We received one good report from a customer fishing this past week. Lots of BWOs, Slate Drakes and Great Autumn brown sedge caddis.
10/29/22 Conditions are good. Stream levels are okay and good numbers of trout being caught. Good hatches continue to take place.
11/29/22 Stream levels are okay and the water clear. Water temperature is okay.
12/30/22 Stream levels remain in good shape and fish are being caught. There are good winter hatches taking place.
01/23/23 Sorry for the missed fishing reports. I had a several day stay in the hospital recently. We will get them back up to date. The water level is high right now. Give it some time to drop.
02/18/23 The stream is near a normal level and in good shape. There are still some good hatches taking place and we are getting some good reports.
03/04/23 The stream is high now due to recent rain but it should fall out fast. We have been getting a few good reports prior to the high water.
03/12/23 Stream levels are down. We haven’t received any reports yet but we should begin to get some soon. Good hatches are taking place.
04/02/23 Stream levels are still below normal but okay. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.
04/11/23 The stream is low but in good shape otherwise. There are lots of insects hatching. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.
04/21/23 The stream is still low and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We received one good report from a customer this past week.
04/28/23 Stream levels are low but we are still getting a few good catch reports from customers.
05/08/23 Good hatches are taking place and the stream is down to a good level to fish.
05/08/23 The stream is a little below normal and clear. Good hatches are taking place and we continue to get some good reports.
05/29/23 The stream is low and clear. You need to use caution to stay lw and as hidden as you can to keep from spooking the trout. Good hatches continue to take place.
06/09/23 The stream remain low. We did receive one good report from a customer fishing the higher elevations of the stream.
06/17/23 The stream is a little below normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week, but you should be able to catch plenty.
06/26/23 The stream is flow a little above normal level and lightly stained. Good hatches are taking place and terrestrials are also working.
07/03/23 The stream is flowing at a very high level and badly stained. Give it a couple of days to drop and clear.
08/04/23 The stream is flowing just a little above normal level and clear. We received one good report from a customer fishing yesterday.
08/09/23 The stream is high again due to recent heavy rain. Give it some time to drop and clear.
08/18/23 The stream is very high from recent rain. You will have to give it more time to drop and clear. Good hatches were taking place.
08/26/23 We hate giving very high water reports but that is the case. Give it some time to drop and clear.
09/02/23 The stream is still well above normal. It should drop down within two or three days.
09/09/23 The stream level is back up high again from recent rain. Give it some time to drop and clear.
09/16/23 The stream is high and heavily stained again.
09/23/23 The stream is back down in okay shape again but more rain is on the way. We received two good reports from customers fishing it yesterday.
09.30/23 The stream is back up high again due to more recent rain. Give it some time to drop and clear. It does that rather fast.
10/07/23 The stream is still high and stained from heavy rain. Give it some more time to drop and clear.
10/23/23 Stream levels are still a little high. It can be fished successfully. Good late season hatches are still taking place.
11/02/23 Stream levels remain above normal, but still can be fished. Our midge patterns are working well.
11/07/23 Update: Stream levels are down to normal and in good shape.
11/14/23 We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday. Good BWO Cream midge hatches are taking place.
12/07/23 Sorry for the missed reports. The stream levels are in good shape and there are good midge hatches taking place.
12/25/23 Stream levels are still a little high but the middle and upper sections can be fished.
01/09/24 The stream is a little above normal level but okay in many places. Good Light Green midge and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.
01/18/24 Stream levels are high and the water highly stained. Give it some time to drop and clear.
01/28/24 The stream is still high and highly stained. Give it some time to drop and clear.
02/07/24 The stream is flowing just a little above a normal level and mostly clear. Good midge and Winter stoneflies are hatching.
02/18/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. You should be able to catch trout in the lower section. Good light green midge and winter stonefly hatches are taking place.
02/25/24 Stream levels are normal and the water is clear. We didn’t receive any catch reports but you should be able to catch them in the lower section of the stream.
03/03/24 The stream level is high again. Give it some time to drop and clear.
03/16/24 The stream is just a little above normal and mostly clear. You should be able to catch trout in the lowest sections.
03/24/24 The stream is flowing just a little below normal level with clear water. Good Midge and Winter Stonefly hatches are taking place.
03/31/24 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. Good Blue-winged olives, Blue Quills, Quill Gordons, Little Black Caddis and Little Brown stoneflies are hatching.
04/07/24 The stream is high and stained. Give it some time to drop and clear.
04/16/24 The stream is still flowing above a normal level and stained. Give it some more time. There are good hatches taking place.
04/21/24 the stream is flowing near a normal level and mostly clear. Good hatches continue to take place.
04/28/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level in okay shape. Good hatches are still taking place.
05/05/24 Conditions are still good with normal water levels. American March Browns have started hatching in addition to several other insects.
05/19/24 The stream is little high and stained. Good hatches continue to take place.
06/02/24 Good conditions exist. The stream is flowing near a normal level with clear water. Very good hatches are taking place.
06/09/24 The stream is in good shape flowing a little below a normal level and clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday.
06/16/24 The stream is still in good shape flowing a little below normal level. Good hatches continue to take place and our terrestrial patterns are starting to work good.
06/23/24 The stream is still in okay shape with good hatches taking place. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week but you should be able to catch trout.
06/30/24 The stream is high again and the water stained. Give it a day or two to drop and clear. Good hatches are taking place.
07/07/24 The stream is down below a normal level and clear. Our terrestrial patterns are working good.
08/06/24 Sorry for the missed reports. The stream is flowing above a normal level and lightly stained. This should hurt the brook trout fishing in the upper sections of the stream. Good hatches are still taking place.
08/14/14 The stream is flowing well above a normal level and stained. Give it some time to drop and clear.
08/25/24 The stream is still above a normal level and stained. Give it a little more time to drop and clear.
09/02/24 The stream is still high and stained badly. Give it some more time to drop and clear.
09/09/24 The stream is still a little above normal level and slightly stained. You should be able to catch trout.
09/16/24 The stream is near a normal level and mostly clear. Good hatches continue to take place.
09/23/24 The stream is near a normal level and clear. We haven’t received any recent reports. Let us hear from you.
09/30/23 Conditions are poor due to high, stained water. Give it some time to drop and clear.
10/07/24 The stream is still a little high. Give it a little more time to drop and clear.
10/14/24 Good late season hatches are taking place. The stream level is okay and the water mostly clear.
10/21/24 The stream is flowing a little above a normal level and clear. Good hatches are still taking pace.
10/30/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place.
11/05/24 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We received one good report from a customer fishing this past week.
11/13/24 The stream is still flowing below a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.
11/20/24 The stream is still low and clear. Good hatches continue to come off.
11/26/24 We received a good report from a customer fishing it yesterday. Good hatches are taking place.
12/04/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good Cream mIdge, BWO and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.
12/11/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.
12/18/24 Conditions are good. The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are still taking place.
01/03/25 The stream is in okay shape with good midge, little BWO and Winter stonefly hatches taking place.
01/10/25 The stream is still flowing at an okay level and mostly clear. Good winter time hatches are taking place.
01/17/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good midge, small BWO and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.
01/24/25 We didn’t receive any catch reports this past week but you should be able to catch trout. Stream levels are okay and the water is mostly clear. Good hatches continue to take place.
01/31/25 We received one good report from a customer this past week fishing our Brown sculpin streamer on the lower end of the stream.
02/07/25 Okay conditions exist. Good hatches are still taking place.
02/15/25 The stream is still in okay shape with lightly stained water. You should be able to catch trout. Let us hear from you.
02/22/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We still didn’t get any reports from anyone fishing this past week.
03/02/25 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place.
03/09/25 The stream is flowing above a normal level and lightly stained. Good hatches of light green midges, little BWOs and Winter stoneflies are taking place.
03/15/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. You should be able to catch trout.
03/23/25 Good conditions exist. The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear.
Perfect Flies Click Here are designed and tied to to imitate and behave like the natural foods the trout rely on to survive as much as possible. The more your fly looks like and moves through and on the surface of the water like the real things, the higher your odds of success.
Email us at (sales@perfectflystore.com) with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.