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Fly Fishing Report On The Smith River, California

Smith River California Fishing Report: 03/20/25 (Bottom of screen)

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery: We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options.

We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at

Type of Stream

Steelhead (native and hatchery)
Coho Salmon (hatchery and a few
Chinook Salmon



Northwest California

Nearest Towns
Smith River
Crescent City

Species Dependent


Non-Resident License
State of California

National Weather Service Link

USGS Real Time Stream Levels

The season is species dependent
Winter run steelhead season last into the month of April
Fall Chinook run starts in August. Sea run cutthroat.
The Chinook run last through the Fall months. Sea run cutts.
Wintertime is prime steelhead time. The run starts in December and last through the Winter months. The Chinook season ends in December.  

Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or  6X Nymphing:  
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X

Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X

Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six

Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators

Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.

Perfect Fly Power Pack Spey Rod Series: Click Here for full description


Great Lakes Steelhead Flies:

Pacific Steelhead Flies:

Salmon Flies:

Steelhead & Salmon Fly Selections

Copyright 2016 James Marsh

Fly Fishing Smith River California: The Smith River drains the Pacific Coast Ranges just west of the Siskiyou Mountains just south of the Oregon border in extreme Northern California. The main stem of the river is formed by the confluence of its North and Middle Forks. The South Fork Smith River also joins in on the flow just below the North and Middle Fork confluence. The Smith River ends its twenty-mile long course at the Pacific Ocean. It’s the third largest river in California. This Smith River flows through Siskiyou National Forest. Much of the river is followed by State Route #199. It has crystal clear water that flows through deep canyons shadowed by tall redwood trees. Its flows depend on the Fall and Winter rains that start in November. The river is best fished from a drift boat but can also be waded and fished from its banks in places.  Salmon show up in the middle of October and finish their spawning activity by the first week or two of January. The Chinook Salmon average from sixteen to twenty-five pounds but get much larger. The pride of the Smith River are its special steelhead. These fish run large and attract anglers from across the nation. These large fish show up from January through March. Rowdy Creek fish hatchery is located on the river and raises on 100,000 steelhead per year. Most all the fish that return to the Smith River are either native or from the Rowdy Creek hatchery. The river holds the record for the largest steelhead caught in California. Fly fishing the Smith River is a wonderful experience regardless of the catch. It is strikingly beautiful and rated the 3rd cleanest river in the World. It’s located in the heart of the Redwood National Forest.The lower river sees plenty of drift boats during the season and can be crowded. It should be pointed out that fly fishing the Smith River can be a demanding and rough ordeal. The river is strong, swift and full of surprises. Water levels are very important.

Stream Reports:

06/27/20 The river continues to produce some good catches of trout for our customers. Fishing is best in the middle and upper sections of the river.
07/10/20 The upper section of the river is turning out some good resident cutthroat catches. There are some good hatches taking place.
08/06/20 The river is in good shape and trout are being caught by our customers in the upper middle and headwater sections.
08/27/20 We continue to get a few good reports from the upper sections of the river from customers fishing for trout. There are some decent hatches taking place.
09/16/20 The river is still in okay shape level wise. There are still plenty hatching insects. Our sculpin streamer and terrestrial patterns are also working good.
10/11/20 The river is in good shape except the flows are a little low. Trout are still being caught in the middle and upper sections. It is time for the Cohos to start showing up, so now is the time to get ready for that.
10/28/20 Trout fishing is still good in the middle and upper sections of the river. Salmon have just begin to start coming into the lower river.  
11/12/20 The river is turning out some good catches of Chinook salmon. Trout are still being caught in good numbers in the upper and middle sections of the river.
11/29/20 The river is in good shape and we continue to get some salmon reports. We are also hearing that some steelhead have entered the river but none have been caught by our customers yet. We expect that any day now.
12/19/20 Steelhead are in the river in good numbers and being caught by our customers in good numbers. They are swinging our streamers, using our steelhead nymphs and egg patterns. Stream levels are normal.
01/02/21 The river is still turning out steelhead for our customers. Flows are still around normal or 6000 cfs.
01/15/21 Our customers are still reporting good catches of steelhead. It has been high the past four days and still a good bit above normal. It should drop back down into a better level soon. Shoot us a email for recommended flies and gear.
01/28/21 Stream levels are up and some fresh steelhead should be coming in. Stream levels have been very low up until recently and the recent higher stream levels should make a good difference.
02/11/21 Stream levels are down to a normal level and the river full of winter run steelhead. We are getting good reports from customers, nymphing and swinging our SH streamers.
03/05/21 The river stream levels are low but trout and steelhead are still being caught.
03/20/21 The river is in okay shape with good numbers of steelhead and some trout
being caught in the upper sections.

04/22/21 Steelhead fishing is done for the season. Trout are being caught in the middle and upper sections of the river. Skwala stoneflies, BWOs, midges, Little Black Caddis, March browns and other insects are hatching.

05/03/21 We are getting some very good reports from anglers fishing for trout. Give us a call or shoot us an email for fly and gear recommendations.

05/11/21 The river is turning out some good catches of trout in the middle and upper sections. It is very low, so you have to use caution to keep from spooking the trout. There are some excellent hatches. Call us or write us for a recommended fly and gear list.

05/19/21 The stream flows and levels are very low. Trout are being caught in the middle and upper sections of the river. There are some good hatches. You have to use caution to stay hidden from the trout.

05/27/21 The stream levels are very low and you have to be careful to not spook the trout. Say low and dress to match the background. There are good hatches taking place. Call or email us for fly recommendations.

06/04/21 The river is very low but trout are still being caught in the middle and upper sections of the stream. Good hatches are taking place. Stay as hidden as you can from the trout.

06/16/21 The stream levels are up to a normal level and the river in good shape. There are good hatches taking place and we just received two good reports yesterday from customer fishing the middle section of the river.

06/28/21 The stream is in okay shape in the upper middle and higher elevations. It is too warm for trout in the lower elevations. There are good hatches taking place.

07/09/21 We are getting good reports from customers fishing for trout. Fish the middle and uppermost sections of the river. Lots of insects are hatching.

07/16/21 Low water conditions exist but we are getting some good reports from customers fishing the higher elevations.

07/24/21 We still have low water but it is cool enough in the upper middle and higher elevations. We are getting good reports on trout fishing from there.

08/01/21 The stream is still low but we still get good reports on trout fishing in the upper middle and higher elevations. Good hatches are taking place.

08/10/21 Sea run cutts are coming in at the mouth. A few Chinook have also been reported there. Water levels are still low but okay. Trout fishing is okay in the upper middle and higher elevations.

08/17/21 Some sea run cutthroat trout are being caught as well as resident cutthroats in the upper middle and higher elevations.

08/25/21 Two good reports came in from customers fishing for sea run cutthroats near the mouth. Levels are still low. Trout are being caught in the higher elevations.

09/02/21 The flows are still low but some sea run cutts are still coming in and being caught by our customers. We didn’t receive any reports but trout fishing should still be good in the upper middle and higher elevations.

09/11/21 Flow are at 166 cfs, which is still low but okay. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout but none on the sea run cutts.

09/19/21 The river is rising fast and well above normal level now. That should bring some sea run cutts into the river. We are still getting good reports from the upper sections from customers fishing for trout.

09/28/21 Sea run cutts are being caught. The upper sections are still turning out good numbers of resident cutthroat trout.

10/11/21 More sea runs have been caught. Stream levels are still a little low. Coho will start coming in soon and now is the time you need to get your gear and flies ready for it.

10/20/21 Coho are entering the river. We received some good reports this past week of Coho and sea run cutts.

11/01/21 The stream levels are very high but that is bringing a lot of fish into the river. We have been getting good reports on Coho and sea run cutts. This should bring some Chinook in as well. Get ready for steelhead at the end of this month.

11/08/21 The stream levels are still very high, too high to fish, but bringing lots of fish into the river. Fish as soon as it drops some.

11/16/21 The river is down to near a normal level and clear. There are a lot of sea-run cuts, Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, and maybe some steelhead in the river. Our steelhead/salmon nymphs and spey flies (can be used on a regular rod too) are working good.

11/24/21 We are still getting reports from customers catching salmon but it is about over. No reports of steelhead catches just yet. Anytime now we should start getting them.

12/04/21 We just received our first report of steelhead being caught. They are in the river and it should be getting very good in the near future.

12/12/21 The river has some steelhead in it and we are getting a few good reports. It will get better but okay now.

12/20/21 Stream levels are near normal. We received two good reports from customers catching steelhead this past week.

12/28/21 Stream levels are down to normal levels and the river in good shape. We received one good report from a customer fishing for steelhead this past week.

01/05/22 The stream is blown out or very high. Give it two or three days to drop. We have been getting reports of steelhead being caught.

1/13/22 Stream levels have dropped down to a normal level and the river in good shape with plenty of steelhead to catch. We received two good reports from this past week.

01/20/22 The stream is low and very clear. Fish the deeper pools. We received one good steelhead report from a customer this past week. Our steelhead nymphs work good under these conditions.

01/29/22 The stream is quite low and clear. Fish the deep pools using our steelhead nymphs or crawling the steelhead streamers near the bottom. We received one good report from a customer. You can still catch trout in the upper sections.

02/06/22 The stream level is still very low and the water very clear. Fish the deeper pools using our Steelhead nymphs. We received one good report from a customer this past week.

02/14/22 We didn’t receive any fishing reports from anyone this past week. Low water conditions are making it tough. Steelhead are still in the river and can be caught fishing the deeper water using our steelhead nymphs. It is too low for drifting.

02/22/22 Still no reports. The water is very low.

03/02/22 The stream is still very low which makes it tough to catch steelhead. We still didn’t receive any reports on steelhead or trout.

03/10/22 The stream is extremely low, too low to fish for steelhead in our opinion. It is possible to catch trout in the upper sections where the water has some depth such as pools.

03/18/22 The stream came up this past week almost to normal but fell back down to a low level. Steelhead fishing will be tough. Trout fishing in the upper sections should be okay.

03/26/22 Steelhead are still in the river but the low water level makes it tough to catch them. Trout fishing in the middle and upper sections of the river should be good.

04/03/22 Conditions remain about the same as above. Very low water levels exist. Tough steelhead fishing and okay trout fishing.

04/11/22 Stream levels got up to a normal level five days ago but have fell back down. That should have brought some fresh fish into the river. We are hoping we will get some decent reports for a change.

04/19/22 The stream levels are well above normal. The steelhead have just about spawned out. Trout fishing should be good upstream when the flows subside some.

04/27/22 Trout are being caught in the middle and upper sections of the river. Good hatches are taking place.

05/05/22 We are getting good reports from anglers fishing for trout when the stream levels are okay. Currently they are very high. Let it fall some.

05/13/22 The stream is still a good bit above normal level but still provides some okay wading conditions in the middle and upper sections. Trout are being caught and good hatches are taking place.

05/21/22 The stream is down to near a normal level in much better shape. We didn’t receive any reports this past week due to the high water levels but we should start getting them on trout. Good hatches are underway.

05/28/22 Stream level got down to near normal this past week but are back up again. You can still find some suitable wading water in the upper sections of the river where trout can be caught.

06/06/22 The stream is up high again. We didn’t get any reports from anyone fishing but you should be able to catch trout in the middle and upper sections of the river. There are good hatches taking place.

06/13/22 The stream levels are still very high. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing this past week. You should still be able to fish in the middle and upper sections of the river.

06/20/22 The stream is still well above normal but okay in the middle and upper sections where trout can be caught. Good hatches are taking place.

06/27/22 The stream is just a little above normal level in better shape than it has been. Trout fishing should be good. Good hatches are taking place.

07/04/22 The stream is just a little below normal level in good shape. Trout are being caught by our customers. Good hatches continue to take place.

07/11/22 The stream is still a little below normal and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout. Good hatches are taking place and our terrestrial patterns are working.

07/18/22 The stream is flowing a little above a normal level in okay shape. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week.

07/25/22 The river is still a little above normal for this time of the year. Trout are being caught in good numbers in the middle and upper sections. Good Little Yellow stonefly hatches and other insects are hatching.

08/10/21 Sea run cutts are coming in. Some Chinook have also been reported there. Water levels are up a little above normal level in good shape. Trout fishing is okay in the upper middle and higher elevations.

08/15/22 We are getting good reports on sea run cutts on the lower and on the upper sections of the river for trout.

08/23/22 Stream levels are just a little above normal level and bringing in some fresh sea run cutts. Trout fishing should be good in the upper river.

08/30/22 We continue to get a few good reports from the upper sections of the river from customers fishing for trout. There are some decent hatches taking place. We received one good report on the sea run cutts.

09/14/22 The river is in good shape except the flows are a little low. Trout are still being caught in the middle and upper sections. Sea run cutts are being caught. It is time for the Cohos to start showing up, so now is the time to get ready for that.

09/21/22 Conditions are much better. We are getting good reports on Coho and sea run cutts. Fish the lower end sections of the river.

09/28/22 The stream is near a normal level in good shape. Lots of fish are coming into the river. Sea Run Cutthroats and Coho salmon are being caught in good numbers by our customers.

10/07/22 Conditions remain very good. Good numbers of fish are being caught – salmon and sea run cutts.

10/18/22 The stream is flowing just a little below normal levels and in good shape. Coho are entering the river. We received some good reports this past week of Coho and sea run cutts being caught.

1/06/22 The stream levels is up a little above normal. The recent rain should bring a lot more fish into the stream. We are getting very good reports from customers catching Coho salmon and sea run cutts.

1/20/22 The stream levels are low. Rain is needed to raise the water level and get more fish into the lower river. Trout fishing is still good in the middle and upper sections.

12/07/22 Steelhead are in the river in good numbers. We are getting good catch reports from our customers. They are swinging our streamers, using our steelhead nymphs and egg patterns. Stream levels are normal.

01/01/23 The stream level is falling so you should give it a few days before trying to fish. It is still considerably above normal.

02/01/2013 The stream is low and fewer steelhead are coming in the river but the river has a lot of them throughout. We received two reports this past three weeks of good catches. Sorry for the missed reports. We have been under the weather lately.

02/15/23 Steelhead are being caught throughout the river but they are scattered. Suggest moving around a lot and fishing our steelhead nymphs and swinging our streamers.

03/18/23 The river has been high but is down to just a little above normal level. There are good numbers of steelhead and some trout being caught in the upper sections.

03/27/23 We received two more good steelhead reports and one from a customer fishing for trout. Skwala stoneflies, BWOs, midges, Little Black Caddis, March browns and other insects are hatching.

04/08/23 The stream level is very high flowing at 8760 cfs at 10.89 ft.

04/21/23 The river is flowing at 5290 cfs at 9.17 ft which is high but not that much. We didn’t receive any reports but trout fishing should be very good in the upper sections of the river.

04/28/23 Trout are being caught in the middle and upper sections of the river. We still haven’t received any “catch” reports. Let us hear from you.

05/08/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level and mostly clear. Trout are being caught in the middle and upper sections of the river. There are some good hatches.

05/19/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. We received two good trout reports from customers this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/29/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Trout fishing is good in the middle and upper sections of the river. Good hatches are taking place.

06/08/23 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. we received two good reports from customers fishing for trout.

06/17/23 We continue to get a few good reports from the upper sections of the river from customers fishing for trout. There are some decent hatches taking place. Sea run cutts should also start coming in.

06/28/23 Conditions remain good. Both the sea run cutthroat and trout fishing is very good.

07/07/23 Good numbers of sea run cutts and trout are being caught by our customers. Our articulated sculpin streamer patterns are working good for the larger fish.

07/15/23 The stream is flowing just a little below normal level in good shape. Trout are being caught in good numbers in the middle and upper sections of the river. Good hatches are taking place.

07/23/23 The stream is still at an okay level but warm in the lower elevations. Fish the middle to upper sections of the river for trout. Good hatches are taking place.

08/02/23 The stream is still in good shape except for it being a little warm in the lower elevations. Trout are being caught in good numbers in the middle and upper elevations.

08/08/23 The stream is still in good shape. We recommend fishing the upper middle and higher elevations for trout. Good hatches are taking place.

08/18/23 The stream is in good shape flowing just a little below normal level. Hatches continue to take place

08/25/23 The stream is still flowing a little below normal level. There are some sea run cuts in the river and trout fishing is still good in the upper sections of the river.

09/01/23 Conditions remain about the same as last week. Getting good reports from those that are fishing for trout. Getting a few reports of sea run cutts being caught.

09/08/23 More good reports on sea run cutts have come in. Stream levels are normal and the water is clear.

09/15/23 The stream is still turning out some good sea run cutts and trout fishing is very good in the middle and upper sections of the river. Good late season hatches are taking place.

09/22/23 The stream is still producing some good catches of sea run cutts and trout in the upper sections. Water levels are a little below normal but okay.

09/29/23 Sea run cutts are still being caught. Stream levels are near normal. Coho will start coming in soon. Now is the time you need to get your gear and flies ready for them.

10/06/23 The stream is flowing just a little below normal. We are still getting good sea run cutts reports from the low section of the river.

10/15/23 Good reports of Coho coming into the river and being caught by our customers. Sea run cutts are also being caught. Let us help you get ready with the right flies and gear for Chinook and Steelhead.

10/27/23 We are getting good reports on Coho and sea run cutts. You may see some Chinook in as well. Get ready for steelhead. They should start coming in anytime now. Check out our Spey Rods and Steelhead flies.

11/02/23 Stream levels are normal and there are a lot of sea-run cuts, some Chinook salmon and Coho salmon, and maybe some steelhead in the river. Our steelhead/salmon nymphs and spey flies (can be used on a regular rod too) are working good.

11/06/23 Conditions remain good. We received more good reports and just wanted you to know.

11/13/23 The stream has been high but back down to near normal level. Chinook and Coho, sea-run cuts and steelhead are in the river.

11/20/23 Another good pulse of water the past two days should have brought more fish into the river. We are getting some good catch reports from customers.

11/30/23 There are lots of steelhead in the river spread upstream for a few miles. We are getting good reports from customers. Check out or steelhead fly selections on the link below.

12/11/23 The stream is down to a normal level and clear. The river has plenty of steelhead spread throughout the river. We continue to get good catch reports from our customers.

12/26/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level in good shape. Steelhead are being caught and continue to be spread throughout the river. Swinging our egg sucking leech patterns are working good.

01/08/24 The stream is a little below normal and clear. We received two good reports from customers catching steelhead this past week.

01/16/24 Stream levels are high. we have been getting good catch reports on steelhead when the stream levels are okay.

01/26/24 The stream levels are very high flowing at 12,700 cfs at 3.16 ft. Give it some time to drop and clear.

02/08/24 Steam levels are down a lot but still high. You should be able to catch steelhead. They are scattered. We suggest moving around and fishing our steelhead Hexigenia nymphs and swinging our egg sucking leech streamers.

02/22/24 The stream is flowing at a very high level. Give it some time to drop and clear. We have been getting good catch reports until the high water levels.

02/29/24 The stream level shot up the past day to a very high level. It will take some time to drop and clear. Conditions have been good up until yesterday.

03/08/24 The stream is still high and lightly stained. We are getting some good catch reports on steelhead. Both swinging and nymphing methods of presentations are working.

03/14/24 The stream is still high and stained. Steelhead are still spread throughout in the river. We didn’t receive any report this past week but you should be able to catch steelhead.

03/21/24 The river is flowing near a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week of steelhead being caught.

03/28/24 The river is flowing at a very high level. It should bring in more fish but give it some time to drop back down to a fishable level.

04/04/24 The stream is down to a normal level and clear. The steelhead have just about spawned out. Trout fishing should be good in the middle and upper sections of the river.

04/11/24 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place – Blue-winged olives, March Browns, Little Black Caddis and others. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

04/18/24 The stream is flowing below a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers catching trout this past week.

04/26/24 The stream is flowing above a normal level and stained. We are getting some good reports from customers fishing for trout in the middle and upper sections. Good hatches are taking place.

05/02/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Trout fishing is good in the middle and upper sections of the river. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/09/24 Conditions are good for trout in the middle and upper sections of the river. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/16/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place and we are getting good catch reports from customers.

05/23/24 The stream is flowing a little below a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. Trout are being caught by our customers.

05/30/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place. We received two good catch reports from customers fishing for trout this past week.

06/06/24 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to come off and we continue to get some very good reports from customers fishing for trout.

06/13/24 We are still getting good catch reports on trout. Good hatches are taking place.

06/20/24 We continue to get good reports from customers fishing for trout from the upper sections of the river. There are some good hatches taking place. Get ready for Sea run cutts as they should start coming in.

06/27/24 Good reports are coming in on both trout and sea run cutts. Good hatches continue to take place.

07/04/24 More good reports have come in. Trout are being caught throughout the river. Sea run cutts are being caught in the lower section of the river.

07/14/24 The stream is still producing good catches of trout. Good hatches are taking place. Fish for sea run cutts near the mouth of the river.

07/18/24 More good reports from anglers catching sea run cutts near the mouth and trout in the middle to upper sections. Good hatches are taking place.

07/18/24 Conditions are good. Sea run Cutt and trout are both being caught in okay numbers.

08/03/24 We received more good reports from customers fishing for sea run cutts and others for resident trout. Good hatches are taking place.

08/10/24 Sea run cutts and trout are still turning out good catches for our customers. Very good late season hatches are coming off.

08/19/24 The stream is flowing a little above normal but that is just bringing in more fish. Sea Run cutt fishing is very good. Upstream hatches and trout fishing is very good.

08/23/24 Conditions remain very good for Sea Run Cutts and trout.

09/01/24 We are getting good reports on sea run cutts and trout fishing in the middle and upper sections of the river. The stream is at a normal level and the water is clear.

09/06/24 Conditions are still good for trout and sea run cutts. Good late season hatches are taking place.

09/13/24 Sea runs and trout are both being caught in good numbers. Trout fishing hatches include BWOs, Spotted sedge caddis, Oct caddis, Mahogany duns, Western Ginger Quills, and others.

09/20/24 Conditions are good. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week.

09/27/24 Conditions are good. We received two moe good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.

10/04/24 We are getting good reports of Coho coming into the river and being caught by our customers. Also, we received more good reports on Sea run cutts being caught. Trout fishing upstream is still good. Let us help you get ready with the right flies and gear for trout, Chinook and Steelhead.

10/11/24 Good reports on Coho and sea run cutts are coming in. Some Chinook may be coming in as well. Get ready for steelhead. They should start coming in anytime now. Check out our Spey Rods and Steelhead flies.

10/19/24 Condition remain good. We are getting reports from customers catching Coho salmon and sea run cutts. Steelhead will soon start entering the river if not already.

10/26/24 More good reports have come in. Steelhead are coming into the river. Let us help you get your flies and tackle together to get in on the good action.

11/03/24 The stream is flowing just a little above a normal level and mostly clear. Steelhead are coming into the river in good numbers with the higher water levels. Coho are being caught by our customers. Trout fishing is still good in the upper sections of the river.

11/12/24 Conditions are good. The stream is up to a normal level and headed on up. The higher water level should bring more fish into the stream.

11/19/24 There are good numbers of steelhead in the river spread upstream for a few miles. We are getting good catch reports from customers. Check out or steelhead fly selections on the link below.

11/23/24 Stream levels are very high and the water heavily stained. Give it some time to drop and clear.

11/30/24 The stream is still flowing above a normal level and lightly stained. The high water is bringing a lot of fish into the river. Let us hear fishing reports from you?

12/08/24 The stream is flowing a little below normal level and clear. There are good numbers of steelhead in the river.

12/15/24 We received one good report from a customer catching steelhead this past week.

12/22/24 Another good catch report from a customer fishing for steelhead come in this past week. Both methods of swinging our steelhead steamers and fishing our steelhead nymphs are working.

12/30/24 The stream is flowing well above a normal level with good numbers of steelhead. We received one good report from a customer fishing for them this past week.

01/06/25 The stream is still very high and badly stained. Give it more time to drop and clear.

01/13/25 The stream is down to a normal level and clear. You should be able to catch steelhead in the lower sections and trout in the middle to higher elevations.

01/20/25 The stream is still flowing near a normal level and clear. We received one good report from a customer fishing for steelhead.

01/27/25 Good conditions exist. We received two good catch reports from customers fishing for steelhead.

02/03/25 The stream is high but falling back down fast. Steelhead are in the river in good numbers.

02/10/25 The stream is flowing just a little below a normal level and clear. We received two good catch reports of steelhead from customers.

02/17/25 The stream is flowing at a very high level and stained heavily. Give it some time to drop and clear.

02/24/25 The stream is still extremely high and badly stained. Give it some more time to drop and clear.

03/05/25 The stream is down to a normal level and clear. You should be able to catch both trout and steelhead depending on the section of water you fish.

03/11/25 The stream is flowing well below a normal level and clear. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone this past week but you should be able to catch steelhead and trout.

03/20/25 The stream is flowing well above a normal level and stained.

Perfect Flies Click Here are designed and tied to to imitate and behave like the natural foods fish rely on to survive as much as possible. The more your fly looks like and moves through and on the surface of the water like the real things, the higher your odds of success.

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly and gear recommendations. Pacific Steelhead Flies: