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Fly Fishing On The Bois Brule River, Wisconsin

Bois Brule River Fishing Report Updated 03/22/25 See report at bottom of this page.

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery: We can get flies to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options.

We also have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes. They make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at

Type of Stream

Brown Trout (lake run)
Rainbow Trout
Brook Trout
Chinook Salmon
Coho Salmon
Pink Salmon

Medium – large

Northern Wisconsin

Nearest Towns

General trout season starts last Sat.
of March to Nov 15th.

Special Regulations
There are four regulation sections
for the Brule River


Non-Resident License
State of Wisconsin

National Weather Service Link

Stream Flow Data:
Real Time USGS Data at Brule

Different special regulation areas open and close at different times. Make certain you check the current regulations.

The spring run of steelhead starts in late March and runs through May. May is a great month for trout fishing the upper river.
Lake run brown trout start in early July. The peak is from mid-July to mid-September. Chinook salmon come in the river from early July and peak mid August to the first of September. Coho Salmon start moving up the Brule River in late August and peak in September. Early
summer continues good trout fishing.
The Fall run steelhead start up the Brule River in August and continues through November. Mid-September and late October usually has the best runs. Lake run brown and Chinook salmon are in the river until mid-October. Coho are in the river until November.
It is possible to catch trout on the better days.

Recommended Tackle & Gear
For Steelhead and Salmon
Fly Line:
7, 8 , 9 or 10 weight for appropriate typerod, sinking, sinking tip and floating

10#, 12# in 9 to 15 feet lengths

10# and 12#

Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly 7, 8, 9 and 10 ft. single hand rods
Fly Reels:
For 7 to 10 weight lines
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
KISS Strike Indicators, Lanyards, etc.

Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.

Recommended Tackle & Gear
Fly Line:
4, 5 or 6 weight
Dry fly: 9 to 12 ft., 5 or  6X Nymphing:  
71/2 ft., 3 or 4X, Streamers 0-2X

Dry fly: 5 or 6X, Nymphing: 3 or 4X,
Streamer 0-2X

Best Fly Rods:
Perfect Fly Supreme Four, Superb Five
or Ultimate Six

Fly Reels:
For 4/5/6 fly line
Fly Floatants and Misc Items:
Floatants, KISS Strike Indicators

Tools & Accessories:
Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc.

Fly and Gear ordering and delivery:

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.

Copyright 2013 James Marsh

Fly Fishing The Bois Brule River Wisconsin
The Bois Brule River, usually just called the Brule River, is a 44 mile long river that flows through Brule River State Forest into Lake Superior. The St. Croix River gets its water from the same area but flows in the opposite direction.

The Bois Brule River has two major tributary streams, the Nebagamon and the Little Bois Brule. The river is known  for its fine brook trout fishing as well as rainbows, browns, steelhead and salmon. One of the big advantages in fly fishing the Bois Brule River is your fishing one of Wisconsin’s most beautiful rivers.

The upper section is formed by springs and is a slow moving river that basically flows through a swampy area. It is best fished from a canoe. Its bottom is mostly sand and silt. Brook trout are the main species pursued in the upper river area.

Highway #2 is generally considered the dividing line of two different types of fishing. Salmon, steelhead and lake run brown trout are downstream of there. The lower section has some pocket water, with large boulders and long runs.

The middle section of the Bois Brule River consist of pools connected by riffles. It’s fish are primarily wild rainbows and brown trout.

There are numerous species of aquatic insects that exist in the Brule. Hendricksons, Sulphurs, American March Browns, Brown Drakes, Gray Drakes, Great Olive Wing Duns (Hexigenia), Blue-winged Olives, Speckled-wing Quills are some of the important mayflies. There are several species of caddisflies with Cinnamon Caddis being the most common. Terrestrial insects become important during the Summer months.

Steelhead, salmon and trout fishing on the Bois Brule River each require different fly fishing gear and tackle.

We have a complete line of flies for steelhead and salmon. We have selected them as the most popular flies from thousands of patterns that have been developed over the years. We have some of our own Perfect Fly steelhead and salmon patterns. They imitate the hexigenia mayfly nymph,  certain caddisfly nymphs, stonefly nymphs and fish roe or eggs that are found in the stream throughout the year. We also have a full line of popular wet flies, egg flies, Spey flies that are very popular. We hope you will give our flies a try.

We always recommend “Perfect Fly” Trout Flies. We have specific imitations of every important insect that hatches on the Bois Brule. It is best to use the hatch chart and select the flies to use for the period of time you will be fishing. Our flies are the most realistic imitations you can buy as well as the most effective imitations you can buy.

Bois Brule River Fishing Report:

02/26/2020 The river has some slush
ice but mostly clear. It is still catch and
release season with regular season
opening March 1st.
03/22/20 Trout are being caught by the
few anglers fishing. Midges, little BWOs
and Winter stoneflies are hatching.
Stream levels are good.
04/17/20 The stream level is down to
normal and the water clear. There are
hatches of little BWOs and Midges. It
will get better very soon.
05/12/20 The stream is flowing a little
high, too high to wade most places.
There are lots of insects hatching and
it should be very good when the levels
drop back down some.
05/29/20 Stream levels are a little high
but okay. Lots of insects are hatching.
06/11/20 Stream levels are in good
shape. Lots of hatches, BWOs, Quill
G., Blue Quills, A. March Browns,
Green sedges (caddis) and others.
06/24/20 We are getting good reports
on trout from customers. There are
some good hatches taking place.
07/06/20 There are multiple hatches
taking place and terrestrials are
starting to work good. We are getting
good reports on trout fishing.
07/0/20 The stream is currently a little
high but will fall back down very soon.
Good numbers of trout are being
caught by our customers.
08/01/20 The river is down to just a
little above normal and trout, lake run
browns and Chinook salmon are being
08/22/20 We are getting good reports
of lake run browns, Chinook and Coho
salmon and now steelhead are starting
to come in the river.
09/21/20 The stream is a little above
normal level and that’s good. It is
bringing more salmon and steelhead
into the river. Trout fishing is good as
10/23/20 We are getting good reports
on salmon and steelhead. Now is the
time to be fishing it. Trout are also still
being caught.
11/16/20 More good reports have
come in on steelhead from our
12/18/20 Steelhead are still being
caught. Our customers are swinging
our streamers and fishing nymphs and
egg flies.
12/29/20 We received two more good
reports from customers catching
01/17/21 Stream levels are in good
shape. We didn’t receive any reports
this past week.
02/03/21 The stream levels are down to
normal and in good shape. Early catch
and release trout season is open.
02/28/21 The inland trout catch and
release season runs to the first of the
regular season in May. The water is
still very cold. Our midges, reds and
creams, and sculpin are the main
foods to imitate.
03/17/21 The season is closed.
3/21/21.  Shoot us an email and let us
help you plan that next trip.

04/16/21 The river is cold and midges, and BWOs are most of the hatches. Get ready for Quill Gordons, Little Black Caddis, Little Brown stoneflies, Blue Quills and other insects to hatch very soon.

05/05/21 The river is flowing at a normal level and with clear water. We continue to get good reports from customers. There are multiple hatches taking place.

05/16/21 We continue to get good reports. Water levels are just a little below normal. There are lots of insects hatching. Please give us a call or email us for a recommended fly and gear list.

05/22/21 More good reports have come in on trout. Conditions remain about the same. The water is a little high but okay.

05/30/21 The stream level is still a little below normal level and in good shape. We are still getting good reports from customers. Call or write us for fly recommendations.

06/08/21 The stream levels are a little below normal and lots of insects are hatching. Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations.

06/20/21 The river is still in okay shape and we continue to get good reports from customers. No, the water isn’t too warm in the upper sections. There are good hatches. Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

07/03/21 The river is flowing just a little below normal levels and is in good shape. We are getting some very good reports from customers. There are very good hatches and dry fly fishing is good.

07/14/21 The river is flowing just a little below normal levels and in good shape. We are still getting some very good reports from customers. There are lots of insects hatching and our terrestrial patterns are also working

07/20/21 Stream levels are in good shape and good reports continue to come in from customers.

08/05/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level in good shape with clear water. We are still getting good reports from customers fishing for trout.

08/15/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level in great shape. We are getting regular good reports from customers. There are some very good hatches.

08/23/21 The river is flowing at a normal level in good shape in all sections. We received three good reports from customers fishing this past weekend. Good hatches are taking place.

08/31/21 The river is flowing at a normal level and clear water. We continue to get good reports from customers. Lake run browns continue to come in and coho salmon should start anytime now.

09/09/21 The stream levels are normal and in good shape. We received two good reports from customers this past week. There are still some good hatches and trout fishing is good. Coho are coming into the river but no catch reports yet.

09/18/21 There are steelhead and salmon coming into the river in good numbers. We are starting to get some good reports.

09/27/21 More good reports from customers on steelhead and salmon are coming in. Conditions are good. Our Hex SH nymphs are doing good.

10/07/21 Steelhead and salmon are being caught in good numbers by our customers. A combination of our patterns for nymphs, streamers and eggs are working. The upper river still is turning out some good trout catches.

10/18/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level and in good shape. We continue to get lots of good reports from both steelhead and salmon catches. Swinging and nymphing are producing. Conditions are very good.

10/29/21 Good conditions continue. We are still getting good reports from steelhead and salmon.

11/05/21 We received good reports on steelhead and trout this past week. Stream levels are normal and the water clear.

11/14/21 More good reports came in from customers fishing for steelhead. Our steelhead nymphs (Hexigenia and Comets) and streamers egg head buggers are working good.

11/23/21 We are still getting good reports from customers fishing for steelhead. The river is in good shape with normal stream levels.

12/04/21 More good reports came in from customers fishing for steelhead. The stream is flowing at a normal level and in good shape otherwise.

12/13/21 The stream is flowing at a normal level. We received two good reports from customers fishing for steelhead this past week.

12/21/21 The stream level is still okay. The water is cold and you need to use mostly steelhead nymphs. We received two more good reports from customers catching steelhead.

12/29/21 We didn’t receive any reports from anyone, likely due to the holidays but conditions remain okay.

01/07/22 We received one good report from a customer catching steelhead. Fish the deeper pools near the bottom using out steelhead stonefly nymphs.

01/03/21 The stream levels near normal and in good shape. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing this past week.

01/22/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level. There are plenty steelhead in the river but the water is cold and you have to fish deep and so. Try using our steelhead Hex and stonefly nymphs.

1/30/22 Finally, we received one good report from a customer catching steelhead.

02/07/22 We received two good reports from customers catching steelhead. The water is cold. Fish slow and deep using our steelhead nymphs.

02/15/22 There are still some steelhead in the river but we didn’t get any reports from anyone fishing the past week.

02/23/22 Still no reports from anyone fishing. It is very cold with lows 20 below and highs only to freezing. It will be warming up some soon. Now is the time to get your gear and flies in order.

03/03/22 The stream is still very cold except in the upper section near spring outlets and spring fed tributaries. We didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing this past week.

03/11/22 Trout fishing is okay in the upper section of the river near the springs where the water is warmer.

03/19/22 The stream is still turning out trout near the dam in the upper river. Conditions are okay and should be getting very good in terms of trout very soon. Good hatches are taking place. Steelhead season opens March 26. Some of the above reports on steelhead are incorrect. Our now X local representative was not providing us with good information.

03/27/22 We are getting good reports on trout fishing. Fish below the dam on the upper river. Blood midges and Blue-winged olives are hatching and our sculpin streamers are working good.

04/04/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level. Fish near the dam where the water is warmer. Good hatches continue there and we continue to get good reports from customers. Steelhead season is open and we received two good reports from customers.

04/20/22 We are still getting good reports of steelhead being caught. The upper river is starting to turn out good numbers of trout when the stream levels are okay. Good hatches are taking place.

04/28/22 Stream levels are normal and the water clear. Lots of insects are hatching. Lots of hatches are taking place including BWOs, Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, American March Browns, Green sedges (caddis) and others.

05/06/22 We are getting good reports from customers. Stream levels are near normal and the river in good shape. Good hatches continue to take place.

05/14/22 We received two good reports from customers this past week. Good hatches continue to take place. Water levels are just a little above normal.

05/22/22 The stream is down to a normal level and in good shape. We are getting good reports from customers fishing for trout. Very good hatches are taking place.

05/29/22 The stream is in very good shape with lots of insects hatching. We are getting good reports from customers fishing it. Stream levels are normal and the water clear.

06/06/22 We received three good reports from customers fishing this past week. Multiple hatches are taking place and dry fly fishing is good.

06/13/22 Conditions remain very good. The stream is flowing at a good level and clear and we are getting some very good reports from customers. Very good hatches are taking place.

06/20/22 We continue to get some very good reports from customers. Stream levels are in good shape and there are a lot of insects hatching. Shot us an email for a recommended fly list.

06/27/22 More good reports have come in from customers fishing this past week. The upper sections of spring creek influence is red hot. The trout do get a good look at your fly and that is why our Perfect Fly patterns work so good. They look like the real food.

07/03/22 Conditions are very good. The stream is flowing at a normal level and the water is clear. There are very good hatches taking place and we are getting good reports from customers.

07/11/22 The stream conditions are very good. There are still a lot of hatching insects and our terrestrial patterns are working good.

07/18/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. There are good hatches taking place and we continue to get some very good catch reports from customers.

07/25/22 The stream is just a little below normal level in good shape with good hatches taking place. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

08/08/22 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. We received three good reports from customers fishing this past week. Conditions are very good. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/15/22 Stream levels are in good shape and the water clear. We are getting good reports from customers. All sections are producing good numbers of trout. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/29/22 Sorry for the missed report. We are getting good reports of lake run browns, Chinook, Coho salmon and now some steelhead are starting
to come in the river.

09/06/22 We received more good reports from customers fishing for trout as well as our first report on a salmon C/R. This coming week should be a good one to fish it anywhere.

09/13/22 More good reports have come in from customers fishing for trout and salmon. Conditions remain good. Stream levels are just a little below normal.

09/20/22 Conditions are very good. Good stream levels exist and we are getting some very good reports from customers catching trout and good numbers of salmon.

10/09/22 We are still getting good reports from customers catching trout in the upper river and salmon in the lower river.

10/31/22 The stream is still in good shape with good stream levels and good hatches taking place. Trout, steelhead and salmon are being caught. Both nymphing and swinging methods of our steelhead flies are working good.

01/02/23 Stream conditions are not good due to ice, but good winter hatches continue.

02/05/23 The river has some slush ice but mostly clear. It is still catch and release season. The regular season opens March 1st.

03/17/23 We still haven’t received any reports from anyone fishing it. The stream level is high right now.

03/25/23 The stream is in okay shape level wise and mostly clear. There are good hatches taking place and we received our first good report from a customer fishing for trout.

04/05/23 Good runs of steelhead are taking place. Swinging our steelhead flies and nymphing under an indicator are both working. Trout fishing continues to be good with good hatches taking place.

04/22/23 Steelhead are still being caught. Trout fishing is red hot with lots of insects hatching.

05/03/23 The river is flowing a little high but falling. There are very good hatches taking place. We received one good report from a customer this past week fishing for trout.

05/13/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. We are getting some very good reports from customers fishing for trout. There are a lot of insects hatching.

05/24/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level with clear water. Good hatches are taking place. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

06/06/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday. Good hatches continue to take place.

06/14/23 The stream is flowing just a little below normal level and clear. There are very good hatches of Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, Blue-winged olives, Cinnamon caddis, Light Cahills, Slate drakes, Golden stoneflies, and Little Yellow stoneflies.

06/25/24 Stream levels are just a little below normal level and the water clear. There are very good hatches taking place. We received two good reports from customers fishing it this past week.

07/02/23 The stream is still just a little below normal level and clear. We received two more good reports from customers fishing it this past week. Good hatches continue to come off and dry fly fishing is very good.

07/13/23 The stream is in good shape flowing just a little below normal level and clear. Match the hatch and you are in business. Good hatches are taking place. Our Perfect flies look and are named after the real things and are a huge help in matching the hatches.

07/22/23 The stream is flowing at a normal level with clear water. Good hatches are taking place. We received three good reports from customers fishing it this past week.

08/03/23 Conditions are very good. The upper most spring creek section through the middle section of the river is turning out some very good catches for our customers. Excellent hatches are taking place.

08/09/23 The stream is in very good shape with good hatches taking place. Again, fish the middle section to the uppermost section. Match the hatch for the best results and that is what Perfect Fly is all about. They look like the real things.

08/18/23 We are getting good reports of lake run browns, Chinook and Coho salmon. Steelhead should be starting to come in the river. Fishing for trout in the upper section of the river is still very good with good hatches taking place.

08/26/23 We are getting good reports of lake run browns, Chinook and Coho salmon as well as steelhead coming into the river. Trout fishing should still be very good in the upper section of the stream.

09/02/23 The stream is still in good shape with lots of fish coming in from the lake. Good hatches are taking place in the upper section of the river and trout fishing is still good.

09/09/23 Conditions are very good. Stream levels are normal and the water is clear. Good late season hatches are taking place and if you match them well, you will be doing very well. Salmon and steelhead are also being caught in good numbers. We are getting some very good reports from customers fishing for them.

09/16/23 Good conditions continue to take place. You need to match the hatch in the upper section fishing for trout and you can do that with Perfect Flies which look like the real things. Salmon and steelhead are being caught in good numbers on the lake end of the river.

09/23/23 Conditions remain very good for both trout and salmon and steelhead. Stream levels are okay and hatches continue to take place.

09/30/23 Conditions remain very good. We received several good reports on both trout and steelhead.

10/07/23 More good reports have come in on both trout and steelhead. Our Giant Black stonefly nymphs, chartreuse eye and purple egg sucking leech are just two of several flies that are working good on the steelhead.

10/19/23 Conditions are still good for trout and steelhead.

10/27/23 We received more good reports from customers fishing for steelhead. Our steelhead nymphs (Hexigenia and Comets) and streamers including egg head buggers are working good.

11/02/23 We are still getting very good reports from out customers. Good numbers of steelhead are being caught.

11/07/23 More good reports were received from customers fishing for steelhead. Our steelhead nymphs (Hexigenia and Comets) and streamers – egg head buggers, are working good.

11/14/23 We are still getting some very good catch reports of steelhead from customers. You can add our Estaz egg patterns to the above flies that are working good. The season for steelhead ends tomorrow.

01/01/24 The stream is flowing little above normal level and mostly clear. The water is very cold except very near springs. We still didn’t receive any reports. You should be able to catch trout if you fish the warmer water areas near springs.

01/21/24 The river has some slush ice but it is mostly clear. It is still catch and release season. The regular season opens March 1st.

02/03/24 The stream is flowing just a little above normal level and clear. It is mostly clear of ice. Trout can be caught on light green and red or blood midge larva and pupa as well as Winter stoneflies.

03/01/24 The river is a little above a normal level with lightly stained water. Hatches of Winter stoneflies and Midges are taking place.

03/21/24 The steelhead season opens the last Saturday of this month, so now is the time to get your gear and flies together for it. Send us an email or call us at 800 594 4726.

03/30/24 The steelhead season opened yesterday, as well as the regular trout season. Stream levels are just a little lower than normal and the water mostly clear. Good Cream Midges, Blue-winged olives and Winter stoneflies are hatching.

04/06/24 We didn’t receive any steelhead reports. One good report from a customer fishing for trout came in. Conditions for trout fishing are very good.

04/16/24 The stream is flowing a little below normal level and clear. Steelhead are being caught in good numbers. Trout fishing is beginning to get very good in the upper section of the river. Good hatches are taking place.

04/27/24 Stream levels are near normal and the water clear. Lots of insects are hatching including BWOs, Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, American March Browns, Green sedges (caddis) and others.

05/04/24 The stream is still turning out good catches of steelhead and trout depending on the section being fishing.

05/11/24 Steelhead and trout are still being caught. Stream conditions are fine.

05/18/24 Conditions remain very good. Good hatches are taking place and good reports are coming in on trout catches.

05/25/24 The stream is flowing just a little above normal level with mostly clear water. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

06/01/24 The stream is in good shape with good levels and clear water. We are getting good reports from customers fishing for trout. Very good hatches are coming off.

06/08/24 The stream is flowing a above a normal level but okay in many sections. Good hatches continue to take place and we continue to get good catch reports from customers fishing for trout.

06/15/24 The stream is flowing near a normal level and mostly clear. Good hatches of Light Cahills, BWOs, Spotted sedge caddis, Cinnamon Caddis, Little Yellow stoneflies and other insects are hatching.

06/22/24 The stream is flowing at a very high level and stained due to recent heavy rain. Give is some more time to drop and clear. We have been getting very good reports from customers fishing for trout.

06/29/24 The stream is still high and stained. It is falling. Give it a little more time to drop and clear and it will be good again. Good hatches are still taking place.

07/06/24 The stream is down to just a little above a normal level and mostly clear. Good hatches are taking place and you should be able to catch good numbers of trout.

07/15/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level with clear water. Very good hatches are taking place. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week.

07/21/24 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We received another good report from a customer fishing yesterday.

07/31/24 The stream is flowing above normal and stained but should drop and clear fast. Good hatches are taking place and we continue to get good catch reports on trout.

08/05/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. Good hatches are taking place and we are getting some very good reports from customers -two very recently.

08/13/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level with clear water. We received two good reports fro customers fishing this past week. Good hatches continue to take place.

08/22/24 The stream is flowing at a normal level and clear. We received a good report from a customer fishing yesterday. Good late season hatches are taking place.

09/02/24 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing this past week. Coho are starting to come into the river and steelhead will soon follow. Let us help you get your flies and gear together for them.

09/15/24 The stream is flowing a little below a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place and we are getting good catch reports from customers fishing for trout. Salmon are coming into the river. Let us help you get geared up and the right flies for them and the steelhead.

09/22/24 The stream is flowing just a little below a normal level and clear. We received two good reports from customers fishing for trout this past week.

09/29/24 The stream is flowing just a tad below a normal level and clear. Salmon are in the river in good numbers and trout are still being caught.

10/06/24 Conditions remain good. We are getting good reports of lake run browns, Chinook and Coho salmon. Steelhead should be starting to come in if not already. Trout fishing should still be very good in the upper section of the stream.

10/13/24 We are still getting good reports of Chinook, Coho, lake run Browns and now, Steelhead. It should be about as good as it gets.

10/21/24 We received more good reports on steelhead and salmon. Conditions are good. Check out our steelhead and salmon flies.

10/28/24 More good reports have come in from customers fishing for steelhead and salmon.

11/04/24 We continue to get good catch reports on steelhead and salmon. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear.

11/11/24 More good reports have come in from customers fishing for steelhead and salmon. Both methods of swinging our steelhead streamers and nymphing using our steelhead and salmon nymphs are working.

01/02/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and mostly clear. The water is very cold except very near springs. You should be able to catch trout if you fish the warmer water areas near springs.

01/09/25 We didn’t receive any catch reports from anyone fishing for trout. Conditions remain okay with good wintertime hatches of Cream Midges, little BWO and Winter stoneflies.

01/16/25 Still no catch reports from anyone fishing for trout but they can be caught.

01/23/25 Still no catch reports from anyone fishing for trout.

02/01/25 There are good hatches taking place including small BWOs, Cream and Red or blood midges and Winter stoneflies. You should be able to catch trout.

02/06/25 We still didn’t receive any reports. Let us hear from you.

02/14/15 The stream is flowing near a normal level and mostly clear. Good winter time hatches are taking place.

02/21/25 This is about a long of a time as we have ever gone without a report from anyone fishing. Trout can be caught on our Cream and Red or blood midges with the larva and pupa rigged in tandem, Winter stoneflies and on some days, little Blue-winged olives.

02/28/25 We still didn’t receive any reports from anyone fishing. You should be able to catch trout on the flies mentioned just above.

03/09/25 Still no reports from anyone. Conditions remain fairly good for wintertime. Good Light Green midge and Winter stonefly hatches are taking place.

03/15/25 Good conditions exist. The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. Good hatches continue to take place.

03/22/25 The stream is flowing near a normal level and clear. We still didn’t receive any catch reports from anyone fishing this past week. Let us hear from you.

Perfect Flies Click Here are designed and tied to to imitate and behave like the natural foods fish rely on to survive as much as possible. The more your fly looks like and moves through and on the surface of the water like the real things, the higher your odds of success.

Click Here to see our Steelhead Flies: Click Here to see our Salmon Flies: Click Here to see our Trout Flies

Email us  at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations for steelhead, salmon or trout.