Root River Wisconsin Fly Fishing Report & Options for Selecting Flies: Email us at ( with the dates you will be fishing and we will send you a list of our fly recommendations. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. Your can also call us at 800-594-4726 and we will help you decide what flies and gear to use. All orders are shipped free in the U.S. If under a $100 order requiring Priority mail is a charge of only $8.10. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail.
We have custom Perfect Fly selections in 3 different price ranges for this stream that come with or without fly boxes that make excellent gifts. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at
Type of Stream
Brown Trout (Lake run)
Chinook Salmon
Coho Salmon
Medium – large
Southeastern Wisconsin
Nearest Towns
Each species has specific season.
Check the current regulations
Non-Resident License
State of Wisconsin
National Weather Service Link
Stream Flow Data:
Real Time USGS Data at Racine
Make certain you check the current regulations which are subject to change from year to year.
The spring run of steelhead starts in late February and peaks in March. Fish can be taken through May.
Lake run brown trout start in early July. The peak is from mid-July to mid-September. Chinook salmon come in the
river from early July and peak mid August to the first of September. Coho Salmon start moving up the Root River in late August and peak in September.
The Fall run steelhead start up the Root River in August and continues through November. Mid-September and
late October usually has the best runs. Lake run brown and Chinook salmon are in the river until mid-October.
Coho are in the river until November.
Late February and early March may provide some decent steelhead fishing provided the ice has melted.

Perfect Fly Power Pack Spey Rod Series: Click Here for full description
Steelhead & Salmon Fly Selections
Copyright 2013 James Marsh
Fly Fishing The Root River Wisconsin
The Root River is a 44 mile-long river that flows into Lake Michigan at the city of Racine in southeastern Wisconsin. Only the first five miles of the river upstream from the lake holds the fish that fly anglers regularly pursue. Fly fishing the Root River for steelhead can be very productive depending on the water levels. The river also supports good numbers of Brown Trout, lake run Brown trout, King (Chinook) Salmon and Coho Salmon. It is a heavily stocked stream.
The short length of the section of the stream that hold these species is greatly affected by the level of water in the river. It can be difficult to catch fish when the water is low and just as difficult when it is too high. The river has a fish weir-dam that is used to trap fish for the hatchery. When it is in operation, fish cannot move upstream. There’s yet another problem with fishing the Root River. At times you will be within hooking distance of other anglers. It is very popular when the fishing is good and especially on the weekends.
There are high return of all the species because of the huge numbers of fish stocked. At times, the fishing can be excellent. It isn’t a difficult stream to fish. It’s short length and common type of structure and holding pools are fairly simple to learn to fish.
The Root River supports a large run of steelhead simply because it is one of the streams where eggs are taken for the hatchery program. Both Lincoln and Colonial parks provide good public access. A dam on the west side of Racine marks the upstream limit of the steelhead run. It also concentrates the fish in this small stream.
August starts the summer run of Skamania steelhead. September and October are prime months for all four species, lake run brown, steelhead, Chinook and Coho Salmon. The steelhead and lake run brown follow the run of the spawning salmon and eat their eggs. Both Chamber’s Creek and Skaminia strain steelhead are in the Root River through ice up and on into Spring. When ice out occurs, the steelhead fishing gets into high gear.
This is usually late February or early March. Ganaraska strain steelhead start to show up in large numbers in March and April. By May, you will still be able to catch some fish but they will be post-spawn steelhead.
Fly Fishing Gear, Tackle and Flies for the Root River, Wisconsin
Steelhead, salmon and lake-run brown trout fishing on the Root River each require
different fly fishing gear and tackle.
Fly Lines:
For steelhead fishing we recommend 8 or 9 weight floating, sinking-tip lines and shooting
heads of various densities. For rainbow trout will recommend either a 5 or 6 weight floating fly line.
Fly Rods:
For Root River Steelhead, you should use a 8 to 9 weight fly rod of a medium fast to fast
action. Single and two-handed fly rods work well, depending on your preferences. The
Salmon fly rod could be a 6, 7 or 8 weight fly rod, depending on the fly line your are using
and your personal preferences. The rods should be at least 9 foot in length in a medium to medium fast action. The rainbow trout fly rods should be a 5 or 6 weight, in lengths 9 foot and longer. Medium fast to fast actions work best in our opinion.
Fly Reels:
The fly reels will range from a 5 weight fly reel all the way up to a 9 weight, depending on which species of fish you are after and the size of the fly line you are using. Whichever fly
reel size you are using should have a good drag. Disc drags are normally the best types but there are others. Just don’t skimp on the quality of your fly reel when it comes to handling big fish.
The leaders for the steelhead should be in the 0X range. The length of the leader depends on the particular fly you are using. We have several sizes of hand tied Perfect Fly steelehead leaders.
Most anglers prefer a 7 to 9 foot length. The trout leaders should 2X to 6X leaders in a 9 foot lengths. Leaders for Spey rods should be from 10 to 15 feet, depending on the rod length.
Tippet for the steelhead should be in the 0X size. The size depends greatly on the leader size and particular fly you are using. I suggest you have spare tippet material ranging from
0X down to 6X.
Waders are recommended for the Root River.
Wading Boots:
Wading boots with either cleats, rubber or felt soles will work.
Landing Net::
You should have a landing net and it should be large for the steelhead. An area of about
15 by 20 inches is preferred. The length should be around 30 inches.
We prefer our own “Perfect Flies” for steelhead and salmon and the lake run brown trout
on the Root River. Our flies are the most realistic imitations of aquatic insects and other
trout foods you can buy. If you haven’t already tried them, we encourage you to do so.
You won’t be disappointed.
We also have a large selection of steelhead flies some of which are our own fly patterns
and others are the standard or generic steelhead fly patterns. We have lots of customers
that use our steelhead flies on the Root River.
Archive Fishing Report: No longer posted
03/22/20 Steelhead are being caught in good numbers in
ice free areas. Use our Perfect Fly steelhead nymphs and
fish the deeper pools.
04/17/20 The steelhead fishing should be winding down
but still be able to catch drop back fish and late spawners.
06/24/20 Lake run brown trout should start coming into
the river anytime now. Now is the time to get your flies
and gear ready. Shoot us an email.
08/01/20 Lake run browns and Chinook salmon are in the
river and being caugth by our customers in good numbers.
08/22/20 Lake run browns, chinook and now Coho
salmon are in the river and we are getting some good
reports from customers.
09/12/20 Stream levels are high but should fall out fast.
It is bringing lots more fish into the river and should be
excellent when it get down some.
10/02/20 Coho Salmon are in the river is good numbers
and we are getting good reports from customers. There
is also lake run brown and Chinook.
10/23/20 Both steelhead and salmon are being
caught by our customers in good numbers.
12/18/20 Our customers are catching coho and
steelhead in good numbers. Shoot us an email for a
recommended fly list.
12/29/20 More good reports from customers. Good
numbers of steelhead are being caught.
02/03/21 The river is flowing at a normal level but very
cold with some slush and shelf ice.
02/28/21 There is still a lot of slush ice but steelhead
are being caught where little ice is present. Fish deeper
and slower using mostly our steelhead nymphs.
03/17/21 The water is a little warmer clear of ice and
some steelhead are being caught mostly on our
steelhead nymphs.