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Fly Fishing for Trout

Spawning Brown Trout

by James Marsh In the northern parts of the U.S., brown trout will soon be starting their annual spawning activity. Of course, this is due to the cooler climate which results in water temperatures that are much lower at this time of year than those in the middle and southern parts of the nation. Yes, it is still early for the great majority of spawning… Read More »Spawning Brown Trout

Drew Maslar, like Father and Grandfather

A family fly fishing trip to the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains Several years ago I had a call from a North Carolina man named Jerry Maslar who said he wanted to know if Angie and I would sell Perfect Fly Company. The answer was no, but after meeting him in person, I encouraged him to form his own fly fishing company. After a brief time… Read More »Drew Maslar, like Father and Grandfather

Choosing the Right Fly

If you plan on fly fishing for trout, you better get used to the term “(the name of the stream) flies”. For example, Madison River trout flies. Although the name infers there’s something unique about the flies you need to fish that stream, there isn’t. The purpose of the fly is to fool the trout into taking it for one of the insects or other… Read More »Choosing the Right Fly

Fishing for Trout during the Summer in Low Clear Water

During the late Summer and early Fall, many trout streams become very low due to the lack of rainfall. In these cases, if the air temperatures become very hot, trout streams can get low of oxygen in bad condition and fishing can become very tough and stressful on the trout when you are successful in hooking one. If the water temperature is not too warm… Read More »Fishing for Trout during the Summer in Low Clear Water

Catching Trout During The Dog Days Of Summer

Some anglers tend to want to avoid fishing during the so called “dog days” of summer. Dog Days are usually considered to be the hottest days of the year ranging from about the second week of July to the middle of August. In ancient times, people associated the heat during this period with the concurrent rising of Sirius, nicknamed “the dog star. When it comes… Read More »Catching Trout During The Dog Days Of Summer

Summertime Fly Fishing Tips

       By James Marsh We want to republish this older post on fly fishing during the summer months and warmer water. Our hottest selling product: Flies and Stream and Species Fly Selections      We have our own line of products for fly fishing including our own fly patterns as well as our own line of fly rods, fly reels, fly lines, leaders and tippets, vest… Read More »Summertime Fly Fishing Tips

New Match the Hatch Tools and Kits

The Match the Hatch kit and individual tools are for those of you that want to learn to catch more fish by matching what’s the most plentiful and available trout foods. The Streamside Match-The-Hatch, match nymphs and larvae that hasn’t hatched yet and those insects that have hatched and died on the water Kit. Packed in a rip-stop nylon belt pouch, each Match-The-Hatch Kit includes:… Read More »New Match the Hatch Tools and Kits

Fly Casting – Part Three – Tips

Before we get into casting, remember that although casting is an important function in fly-fishing, there are a lot of other things that are just as important ifnot more important than making a perfect cast. Reading water, finding fish,knowing the habits of the fish you are after, knowing where to cast, and many other things can be far more important than making a perfect cast.… Read More »Fly Casting – Part Three – Tips

Fly Casting – Part Two – Long Cast Aren’t Necessary

Let me get to a main point you shouldn’t ever forget. Anytime and anywhere, anyone is trying to cast for trout by making a cast of over forty or fifty feet long, unless they have special circumstances that are not normal, they are using the wrong approach. Most all of the cast you make for trout should be less than thirty, feet long anywhere you… Read More »Fly Casting – Part Two – Long Cast Aren’t Necessary

Fly Fishing For Sea Run Cutthroat Trout

First of all, Sea Run Cutthroats aren’t found in every steelhead and salmon stream that flows from the Pacific Ocean into freshwater streams. They can only be found in certain streams. Those streams that do have runs of cutthroats are designated in the various articles of the stream section of this site.The Sea Run Cutthroat trout will generally come into the river after the first… Read More »Fly Fishing For Sea Run Cutthroat Trout