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Dark Blue Sedge Adult



Hook Size: 14

The Perfect Fly Dark Blue Sedge Caddis Adult is a trout fly that imitates the adult or fully grown stage of life of the Dark Blue Sedge caddisfly. They stay on the surface of the water for a short time before departing the water. They should be fished on the surface during the hatch as well as later on when the female adults return to the water to deposit their eggs. It is a dry fly that should be treated with floatant.

The Dark Blue Sedge Adults generally show up to deposit their eggs in the early evening.
They will usually start to hatch after the sun goes down and last on into the early evening.
Sometimes the water gets covered with these caddisflies. They skim the surface as if they
are trying to drag the eggs off their abdomens.

The best way to fish the egg laying part of the hatch is to start in the late afternoons just
about sunset. At that time you may see them hatching. It is sometimes difficult to tell what is
going on when both the pupae are hatching and the female adults are laying eggs. By
dark both events will be occurring. Fish the pupa imitation first. Then switch to the adult fly
when you think the egg laying starts. Normally flies skipping around on the surface
indicates the egg layers.

Since is it usually very low light and the adults are also dark, it doesn’t hurt to make a slight
disturbance on the surface with your “Perfect Fly” Adult Dark Blue Sedge imitation. I use
whichever is the easiest presentation to get the fly to where the trout are feeding on the
egg layers. They want be able to see the fly enough to know you can’t really make it fly like
the naturals, or at least I can’t do that. I’m kidding but I am serious about adding some
action to the fly. Fly patters have been developed by other companies to imitate this
fluttering but I think it is more of a name that reality.

Listen and watch for the trout to take the egg layers. They normally do so with a surface
disturbance that is easy to see and hear. That is where you want to place your fly as
quickly as you can. I had rather fish the egg layers from the banks. That way you can
move around. If there are trees and bushes you cannot do that of course. You will have to

Weight .01 lbs