A family fly fishing trip to the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains

Several years ago I had a call from a North Carolina man named Jerry Maslar who said he wanted to know if Angie and I would sell Perfect Fly Company. The answer was no, but after meeting him in person, I encouraged him to form his own fly fishing company. After a brief time of operating as Trout University, Jerry decided that in addition to educating anglers fishing for trout that he would sell the complete line of Perfect Fly products and fly patterns, which he was helping Angie and I promote, Knowing the tremendous success of Johnny Morris, from the time he and I fished many of national BASS tournaments at the same time during the late 1970s, prior to his forming Bass Pro Shops, my advise to Jerry was to name his company Trout Pro Shop or Store. That he did – Trout Pro Store – www.troutprostore.com. Jerry and I soon became close friends. His Trout Pro Store started out selling and still sells all of our Perfect Fly trout fishing products and complete line of trout flies. Jerry was a huge help to Angie and I. Not only did he provide excellent advise for our company, he even built the wooden cabinets that we still store our flies in. He visited us often and even worked some local Fly Fishing show events with me.
Through the past approximate fourteen years of being very good personal and business friends, I had the privilege of meeting his son Steve, who now runs the company. I have yet to meet Drew, Steve’s son, now twelve years old who was just a baby in our early years of friendship. It is quite obvious, he is following his father and grandfather’s fishing footsteps. Steve and his wife Carleen, took Drew and his two sisters Emma and Caroline on a family vacation to Rocky Mountain National Park. The girls took some pictures and video of the trout fishing and went hiking with Steve and Drew. They managed to catch several trout in beautiful places in a rather short time.

This is about how a father and mother can influence their sons and daughters in a fun and pleasurable way in the great outdoors. This should be dedicated to the many father and mothers who do just that. The Maslar’s recent trip to the Rocky Mountains reminds me of many trips my father and grandfather spent time taking me fishing in my early years. I can remember many trips in detail from as far back as seventy years ago. I have two beautiful daughters rather than a son. Both of them fished with me often from their early childhood. They are now both in their middle ages and they still fish together in lakes nearby their homes in central Alabama rather often. I do have a grandson that I have been able to take both fresh and saltwater fishing.
From 1980 to 1985, I produced and was the host of a thirty minute, weekly television show first called the “Gulf Coast Angler”, and later when we expanded nationwide “Fishing with James Marsh”. It was the first ever national syndicated TV show on saltwater fishing. At the conclusion of the program, I made the following statement over background music from Don William’s song “Lord I hope this day is Good”. It went like this – “Do yourself a favor friends and take a child fishing. You will gain a friend for a lifetime but teach them to protect our natural resources. You know if God didn’t intend for us to spend more time fishing than working, he wouldn’t have put more water here than land. Keep what you need to eat but release the rest for me to catch. Until next week, God Bless”. Of course, it was a little silly but my intent was to push “catch and release” which in those years was in its early stages.
Creating a great outdoor relationship isn’t complicated. It’s very simple. If you are lucky enough to have one, just take your son or daughter fishing. If not, take any youngster you know fishing. You will gain a friend for a lifetime. It almost always creates an unforgettable experience for both of you.
Sorry, we forgot to show Steve, the “Dad’s” trout.

Our hottest selling product: Flies and Stream and Species Fly Selections

We have our own line of products for fly fishing including our own fly patterns as well as our own line of fly rods, fly reels, fly lines, leaders and tippets, vest and packs, and many other fly fishing items. That allows us to sell directly from us to you, the angler without markup in price from distributors, representatives, or other middle men. Our number one selling products are our fly selections for different streams and locations throughout the nation and/or different species of fish. The selections can cover a specific time interval, season, or complete year. The selections can match any dollar budget amount you desire or our standard good, better, or best selections. There are specific fly selections for certain species of fish such as Great Lake Steelhead, for example.
Click Here to see the different types of fly selections. Note: there are two pages of them and be sure to note the “custom selections”.
website: www.perfectflystore.com