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Fly Fishing Gear – Fly Rod Lengths

I’m sure that you have noticed that fly rods are generally longer than other types of
fishing rods. This is because the shorter the fly rod, the less efficiently you can cast. It’s
the length and arch of the rod during a cast that propels the line. However, the longer the
rod the more it weights, and the more difficult it is to cast around trees and other

Most fly rods range from seven to nine feet in length although the two handed “spey” rod
may be fourteen feet or even longer. Short rods are more manageable on small streams
where bushes or tree limbs are involved. Conversely, longer rods have advantages in
open water areas, during winds and whenever long cast are desired or required.

Long rods are useful when fishing areas of heavy vegetation where a longer rod can be
of help in keeping your line free. In a situation like this one you may just think the length
of the rod is of critical importance.

Most anglers prefer to use a shorter rod in smaller streams and tight spots. Some
disagree and still prefer a longer rod claiming it gives them better control over the line in
tight spaces.

Use longer rods where extra distance in the cast is required. Everything else being equal,
longer rods will cast farther than shorter ones.

Line mending is easier with al long rod because you are able to hold more line out of the
water. A longer rod allows you to pick up more line off the water and swing it around in a
larger loop configuration.

One popular nymph fishing technique is called high-stickin. Longer fly rods are much
better than short ones for high-stickin because you can keep more line off the water and
fish further away from your position.

Spey rods are much longer than regular single-handed fly rods. There are both single
handed and two-handed Spey rods. They range in lengths of up to fourteen feet and
longer. The extra length offers both an advantage and is necessary for making the basic
Spey cast.

Copyright James Marsh 2012