By James Marsh
We want to republish this older post on fly fishing during the summer months and warmer water.
- The hot weather of summertime can demand different strategies and fly fishing techniques than other seasons of the year. The three basic types of water trout and other species of freshwater fish are found in, freestone streams, tailwaters and spring creeks, each have their own circumstances. In all three different types of water, it is the temperature of the water that is important. Different species of fish also have their own preferences. In this article I will focus on fly fishing for trout. In freestone streams, the weather and air temperature mainly control the temperature of the water. The difference usually depends on the amount of shade the stream gets as well as the elevation of it at any one point. The higher the elevation, the cooler the water usually is. In spring creeks, where water comes from below the ground, it usually comes out of the ground at an almost constant temperature year-round but from that point on, it is affected by the weather and air temperature. In general, during the summer, the farther it travels downstream from the spring it comes from, the warmer it gets. Tailwaters, that come from the bottom of lakes or reservoir are similar to the spring creeks in that the water comes out of the dam at an almost constant temperature. If the lake is deep, it usually comes out at about 39 degrees F.
- A very important item you need is a thermometer. Fish are most active when the water temperature ranging from 50 to 70 degrees F. They will get a little sluggish or lethargic when it is much above 70 F. and we don’t recommend fishing for them when the water is above 70 degrees F. You can fish early morning is those streams that get a little too warm in the afternoons. The thermometer will let you know if the water is at a good temperature or not.
- In addition to aquatic insects, crustaceans and baitfish, terrestrial insects will also work during the summer. Of course, they have to get in the water for the trout to eat them. We don’t suggest placing too much emphasis on them as often there are not any in the water. During times that high water levels start dropping down, especially if the water in draining back into the stream for the surrounding ground, there can be a lot of ants and beetles getting into the water. During high wind conditions, you will often find grasshoppers are effective because they are blowing into the water. This is usually best where there are a lot of grass along the banks of the stream. The tip is to just not place too much importance on using terrestrial imitations. We have taken samples of drifting insects with professional entomology equipment for hours many times during the summer, to not find any terrestrials in the water.
- It isn’t the direct influence of the water temperature that affects the trout. Trout are cold blooded animals, and their blood is usually very close to the same temperature as the water. When it is too warm, the higher body temperature requires more oxygen to keep the fish active. Fish the highly oxygenated sections of streams when water temperatures are rather high. Riffles and runs and plunge pools are good places to fish when the water is warm. Slow moving water like water found in large pools is usually not that productive.
- Anglers can get too warm just as well as the trout and this can affect one’s ability to concentrate. Wearing the right type of clothing to stay cool and staying well hydrated can improve one’s success.
Our hottest selling product: Flies and Stream and Species Fly Selections

We have our own line of products for fly fishing including our own fly patterns as well as our own line of fly rods, fly reels, fly lines, leaders and tippets, vest and packs, and many other fly fishing items. That allows us to sell directly from us to you, the angler without markup in price from distributors, representatives, or other middle men. Our number one selling products are our fly selections for different streams and locations throughout the nation and/or different species of fish. The selections can cover a specific time interval, season, or complete year. The selections can match any dollar budget amount you desire or our standard good, better, or best selections. There are specific fly selections for certain species of fish such as Great Lake Steelhead, for example.
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